𝟒𝟒. 𝐆𝐨 𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐀 𝐃𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫

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I slowly wake up in the morning, by the sun shining on my face through the curtains. I let out a silent sigh, open my eyes and turn around to face Chris. I frown a little as my hand touches the mattress instead of my man's chest, and look around the room. I can see that the door to the bedroom and the door to the bathroom are both opened, so I rub my eyes for a second and sit up straight.

Suddenly, I hear some sounds coming from the bathroom. It sounds like Chris is throwing up, so I quickly get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom as well. "Oh, bub..." I silently say, seeing my man kneeled down in front of the toilet. "Hey honey, are you okay? Is everything alright?" I ask, kneeling down next to him and immediately running my hands through his hair.

"Goodmorning" he chuckles, making me laugh. "Honey, seriously, are you okay?" I ask again, giggling a little as I flush the toilet for him. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just woke up a little nauseous, but I'm fine. Goodmorning, baby" he replies, so I give him a smile and a kiss on his cheek before handing over a glass of water.

"Wanna take a shower with me, bub?" I ask, gently wrapping my arms around his neck. "You don't have to ask me twice" he jokingly sighs, making me laugh before giving him a quick kiss. I get to his bedroom, grab some clothes for the both of us and make my way back to the bathroom. Chris already turned on the water, so it's getting nice and warm in there.

We both undress, and get in the shower as fast as we can. We kiss in thee, cuddle in there and laugh a lot in there too. "Can you hand over my shampoo, please?" I ask, still giggling a little as I point at my shampoo bottle I can barely reach. The little wall it's standing on is too high for me to reach it, so I just close my eyes and let my hair get wet.

Suddenly, I can hear Chris inhaling sharply. I quickly open my eyes again, and see him frowning a little. "You okay?" I ask, running my hands through my hair. "Yeah, I uh, yeah" he replies, so I slowly nod my head and watch him trying to grab my shampoo without putting his arms up.

"Are you hurt, bubba?" I ask, taking his hand and looking at him from head to toe real quick. "I don't know, it hurts a little when I do this- shit!" he replies, trying to show me what he did before, which obviously hurts again. "Where does it hurt, honey?" I immediately ask, getting really worried now.

"I guess... I guess it hurts on the right side of my abdomen, it's kinda sharp or something" he explains, so I nod my head and take a quick look at his abdomen. I slightly press the area he said that hurts, and he flinches. "Sorry honey, I'm sorry, are you okay?" I ask, quickly getting my hand off.

"I'm okay, don't worry so much. It's probably just a little belly ache, it'll be fine" Chris says, but I shake my head. I move my hand up to his forehead, and notice him being a little warm. "I think you have a little fever too, bub. You should go see a doctor, today" I tell, causing him to let out a sigh.

"I just want you to be okay, I'll go with you if you want! Does it hurt when you make other movements?" I ask again, running my hand through his weg hair once. "Only when I walk, or turn, or... Move in general" he explains, so I frown again. "I'm calling the doctor's office" I exclaim, stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around myself.

"Baby, I don't have to go to the-" Chris tries to add, but I interrupt him by grabbing my phone and calling the doctor's office anyway. It could be something bad, who knows! After calling the doctor's office and making an appointment for Chris, he gets out of the shower as well.

"You have an appointment at 11am, so you better get dressed, Cap" I say, making him smile. "You're coming with me though, right?" he asks, taking my hand in his. "Ofcourse, bub" I reply, and I give him a kiss on his lips. We both get ready for the day, so after getting dressed, we make our way to the kitchen.

"Here you go, chocolate chip pancakes" I happily say, giving my man a plate. "Thank you baby, but uh, I-I'm not reallt hungry for some reason" he nervously says, making me frown. I could wake Chris up at 3am for pancakes, especially when they have chocolate chips in them.

"You're not feeling well, huh?" I ask, moving his plate to the side and walking over to him. "Not really..." he sighs, looking at the ground for a moment. I place both my hands on his cheeks, and make him look up at me. "It's gonna be okay, we're gonna go see the doctor and you'll feel better soon, honey" I tell, so he nods his head with a smile.

I give his lips a few long kisses, and help him with his shoes since he can't bend over at all. I drive him to the doctor's office after taking both Dodger and Stevie on a quick walk, and get him inside. Luckily, there's no one else in the waiting room, so we can just sit together. I keep my eye on him at all times, he's looking a little pale too now. God, I hope he's okay.

"Mr Evans?" we hear, coming from the door. We both look up, smile at the doctor and walk with him. We take place in his office, where the doctor asks Chris to tell him what's going on. "Oh uh, I just have a stomach ache" he replies, making me giggle a little. "Any details?" the doctor asks, chuckling with me.

"Well, the right side of his abdomen hurts when he moves, especially when he has to lift up his arms or when he has to bend over. Talking hurts, walking hurts too, he doesn't have an appetite and he threw up this morning. Oh, and I think he has a low-grade fever" I explain, so the doctor nods his head as he listens to me.

"And did this all start recently?" he asks, writing some things down before looking back up at us. "I guess I already felt it a little, about 3 weeks ago, but not like this" Chris tells, so I nod my head and take his hand. I know we're not public, but it's only us and the doctor in here so I don't really care.

I knew about the stomach ache he had in Greece, but it was never as bad as it is now. I'm really worried about my man, I just want him to be okay. "I think it might be your appendix that's bothering you, we're gonna make an ultrasound of your abdomen to try and see it. Come with me, we can do it in here" the doctor explains, standing up and taking us to another part of the room.

Chris has to lay down on one of those bed things, and the doctor starts the ultrasound. "Ah, there it is. Yup, that one needs to go" he says, looking at Chris' appendix through the screen. "Go? What do you mean, go?" Chris immediately asks, looking right at the doctor. "It needs to be removed, it can become life threatening of we don't get it removed. You said that it's already bothering a little for about 3 weeks, so the surgery needs to happen soon enough" the doctor explain, and I can see Chris getting nervous.

"Let's go back to make an appointment, yeah?" the doctor suggests, so Chris slowly nods his head and looks at me. "It's okay, it's dangerous to leave it be. It's gonna be okay, alright? I'll be there, and I know that it's nerve-wracking, but I don't want you to die because of a stupid appendix" I giggle, trying to make a little joke.

"I love you, baby" he sighs after laughing with me, making me smile. "I love you too" I reply, bending over a little to give his lips a soft kiss. Chris and I leave the doctor's office after making an appointment for the surgery, and make our way back home.

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