𝟖. 𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐓𝐢𝐞

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I let out a silent sigh, and slowly get out of bed. Chris makes me feel things, I'm not sure what kind of things, but he sure does make me feel something. He's just so sweet, so kind and amazingly cute. I guess this feeling I have means that he'll be a great friend, I never had this feeling before! I take a quick shower, put on some mascara and get my hair up by using my favorite hair clip.

I put on some clothes, make my way downstairs and grab an apple for breakfast. "Hey, good morning Amsy! Did Chris leave quickly last night?" Miles asks, walking up to me in the kitchen. "Goodmorning, sweetie! Um, he stayed for a while, but not that long. I actually have a little question for you" I reply, knowing damn well that Chris stayed here till 1am.

"Yeah?" he asks, stuffing his mouth with some fruits. "Well um... I was thinking, maybe you could take me to set today? I don't have to work till noon, and I'd love to see where you work" I suggest, and Miles immediately looks up. "Oh my God, yes! Ofcourse! Yes! You're definitely coming with me! He asked you to, didn't he? Yes he did, I knew it" Miles cheers, quickly walking up to the hallway and putting on his shoes.

"Do you mean Chris? No, he didn't ask me to, I just want to see where you work" I nervously giggle, obviously not telling him the truth. "Nope, you're lying. It's fine, Chris is a great guy and I knew he'd be perfect for you now let's go" he adds, making me frown, but before I can say anything, Miles ready throws my shoes at me.

I put them on, grab some muffins for everyone there, and take my purse with me after texting Chris that I'm coming with Miles. We walk up to the car, and I drive over to Boston. I get a little weird feeling in my stomach as I think about seeing Chris again, maybe it's just the smell of the muffins making me hungry! I park the car in the parking lot, and Miles takes me to the set.

I meet the whole crew and the whole cast, they're amazing people! They're all telling me that I'm really pretty, sweet and caring because I brought them muffins, they're so kind! They all love the lemon muffins I made for them, and we talk for a while, mostly about the movie and about how great Miles is doing.

Suddenly, after another while of talking and laughing with the cast, I feel a hand being placed on my back. I quickly look back, and see Chris standing there, looking doen at me with the cutest smile on his face. "Hey guys, goodmorning" he says, after looking at me. "Goodmorning Chris, ready for today?" Jamie (Lee Curtis) asks, patting his shoulder for a second while Chris keeps his hand on my back.

"Definitely ready, yeah" he chuckles, and we all start talking again. Everyone had to do a scene together right now, except for Chris. We watch the actors go onto the set, but still, his hand stays on my back. "I um... H-here you go, as promised" I say, turning around to face him and handing over the last muffin I brought, the one I saved for him.

"Ah, thank you! And here you go, also as promised" he chuckles, handing over a warm Starbucks cup, which makes me smile. "Thanks!" I giggle, taking it in my hands to keep them warm. It's pretty cold outside right now, so a hot cup of caramel latte is amazing.

"Do you uh... D-do you wanna go take a walk around the set?" Chris suggests, making me smile again. "Yeah, sure" I reply, so he offers me his arm with a smile on his face. I wrap mine around his, and go back to holding the cup of coffee in both hands. "So, Miles let you come with him after all, huh?" he asks as we slowly walk around.

"Apparently, yeah! He was really excited about it, actually" I reply, so he nods his head. "I can imagine that, if want to spend as much time with you as possible too" Chris chuckles, making me smile. "Hey um, I like the bracelets you're wearing, is that part of the whole costume thing?" I ask, but he shakes his head.

"No uh, these are actually just mine. I forgot to take them off so, thanks for the reminder!" he replies, which makes me laugh. "Well, I like them. They're really nice, do you always wear them?" I ask again, making Chris smile back as he looks down at me.

"Most of the time actually, yeah, pretty much. I'm glad you like them" he replies to me, his eyes lighting up again as he keeps looking down. "You know, you should add some color into them! Maybe like... Wait, hold on" I add, giving him my coffee. He holds it for me, and I take my red hair tie from my purse.

"Come here" I say, taking my coffee again and putting it on a little table close to us. I take his hand, gently put the hair tie around it and let it rest around his wrist, in between the black and dark brown bracelets he's wearing. "See? Looks nice" I giggle, while Chris just looks from his wrist to me with a huge smile on his face.

"It does look nice, but you have to understand that you just lost your red hair tie because I'm not taking it off" he jokingly sighs, making me laugh. "That's fine, it looks better on your wrist than in my hair anyway" I reply, and we both laugh again. That weird feeling I got in my stomach before, is back again. I'm still not sure what it is, but I'll be fine!

We walk around the beautiful area of the set for a while, and talk the whole time. I tell him that I'm gonna be watching all of his movies whenever I have some free time, and he tells me that I really need to let him know what I think. Chris is such a cutie, and kinda dorky too. He makes the funniest jokes, I don't think I've smiles and laughed so much in only 30 minutes ever before.

We make our way back to the actual set, and Chris has to go do a scene. I watch them from behind the cameras, and can't help but smile again. Miles is doing amazingly, just like Chris. I love the character that Chris is playing, this sarcastic guy is extremely funny! I heard that his character's name is Ransom Drysdale, and I already can't wait to see this movie!

It's noon right now, and a few minutes ago, Chris started doing scenes with some others so I can't say goodbye to him. "I'll pick you up again at 8pm, alright? I really have to go now" I say, looking at Miles after we talked for a while. "Right, yeah! Thanks for being here, they all really love you! And uh, especially Chris, if you ask me" he replies, winking at me once.

"Sure, he's a really nice guy! I'll see you tonight, good luck" I add, kissing his cheek before walking off the set, towards the parking lot. As I walk up to my car, I hear someone calling my name. I turn around, and see Chris running up to me. I stop walking, silently laugh about it and grab my car keys.

"Hey! Hey, you're going?" he asks, catching his breath a little. "Yeah, I'm sorry, you were doing a few scenes so I couldn't say goodbye. I was gonna text you goodbye though" I giggle, making him laugh. "Right, yeah! Well I saw you leaving si I just kinda ran out of the scene we were doing" Chris chuckles, so I widen my eyes.

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