𝟐𝟒. 𝐌𝐲 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐆𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲

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While I lay here, on his chest with his arms wrapped around me, I realize that I've never felt more safe than I do now. I've never felt better than I do now, I've never felt more happy and peaceful than I do now and God, I've never felt warmer on the inside than I do now. As I think about how happy this man makes me all the time, I give his chest a few little kisses.

After cuddling for a while, Chris moves his hands just a little, but that slight movement causes me to flinch and giggle for a second. "Huh? You're ticklish?" he asks, looking at me for as far as he can while I shake my head. "No no, no I'm not, I'm not" I quickly reply, making him smile.

"Ah... You're not?" he asks again, looking at me like he's not buying it. "Nope, not at all!" I tell, but he slowly shakes his head. "I don't believe you one bit, princess" he sighs, moving his hands again like he did before, making me flinch and giggle yet again. He keeps doing it now, tickling my waist until he flips us over. He's in between my legs now, tickling my waist and my belly while I laugh and giggle underneath him.

"Okay, okay! I surrender!" I giggle, throwing my arms in the air while he laughs with me. "Fine, but I won" Chris replies before kissing all over my whole entire face, making me laugh again before I wrap my arms around him, looking right into his amazingly dreamy eyes when he's done. "Yeah, you did" I sigh, looking at his lips for a second before looking back into his eyes again.

"You're so beautiful..." he silently says after just chuckling and smiling at me for a while, almost whispering now as he switches his looks from my eyes to my lips every split second, making me smile. "You're cute, Chrissy" I sigh, doing the same thing as he does. "You're cute, princess" he adds, kissing my face again until the door to the guest room suddenly opens.

We both look at the door with smiles on our faces, and see Miles walking in. "What's going-" he says, before stopping the sentence to look at us with widened eyes and an slightly opened mouth. "Hey, goodmorning sweetie!" I add, still giggling a little while Chris slowly gets off of me, laying down next to me now.

"How did you- What did you- But how- Why is he- Am I interrupting something?!" he loudly asks after stuttering, covering his eyes with his hands now. "It's fine, you're not interrupting" I giggle, making Chris laugh as well. "Are you even dressed?! Are you naked right now?!" Miles asks again, almost screaming.

"What? No, ofcourse not! We're fully clothed, why would we be naked" I laugh, and he slowly removes his hands from his eyes. "Okay then... Anyways, why the fuck are you in my sister's bed?" Miles jokingly asks, looking at Chris. "Language! Also, it's the guest room, dumbass" I add, making them both laugh.

"I got here last night, we're gonna go out for lunch and a walk later, and then cook dinner for the cast together, right?" Chris tells, looking at me for confirmation. "Yeah" I happily sigh, looking back at him as I brightly smile, feeling happier than ever again. "Right... Okay, well, have fun then! I'm going to the mall with some friends, is that okay?" Miles asks, taking slow steps back.

"Yeah, sure. Go have fun, you can grab some cash from my purse downstairs" I reply, so he nods his head, thanks me for it and walks away again. "You know, you're such a great sister. He's really lucky to have you as his" Chris says, making his way onto me again which makes me laugh.

"I appreciate that, Chrissy" I sigh, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him down, into some sort of hug while he's in top of me. "This is nice, I like this" he whispers in my ear, before he gives me a little kiss underneath it. Goosebumps fill up my whole body as he does it again, and I run my fingernails slightly and gently over his back.

"We should probably get out of bed now... I'll prepare the breakfast, you can go get dressed and meet me downstairs, yeah?" I suggest, making him look up. "Yeah, yeah" he replies, smiling at me before kissing all over my face and neck again. He gets off of me after more cuddles and little kisses, and I get out of bed. I make my way downstairs after he asked me if he could take a shower here, and start to grab the things we need for breakfast.



Chris' POV

I take my things with me, and walk into the bathroom where I can take a shower. This girl is making me feel so many things all at once, it's fucking unbelievable. I can now say that I am deeply in love with her, and I feel like this is already starting to become a 'forever' kind of thing. Yeah, it's only been 3 months but sometimes, a feeling is enough.

This feeling is so intense, so good and so comfortable, it's the thing I need and the thing I want. It's the thing I've been looking for all my life, the thing I've been longing for years. She's the one for me, there's nothing that can change that. Whenever I see her, I really have to stop my thoughts. She makes my mind go crazy for her!

I immediately think about hugging her, kissing her even. I'd love to just pull her close to me and put my lips on hers, but I also don't want to ruin the thing we have now. I'm curious about what gender our first child would be, but I think it would be a girl! We could get married in Massachusetts, rent a beautiful place and invite our families and friends and- see? My mind goes crazy.

I take a quick shower here, get dressed and spend way too much time trying to fix my hair. I can't wait to get my beard back again, and I really hope that she'll like it. There's this project coming soon, it's called 'Defending Jacob' and we were supposed to film it sooner but due to one of the actors canceling the role, we have to wait. It's gonna be here in Massachusetts, so that's great!



Back to Amelia's POV

After getting two cups of coffee ready for Chris and myself, Chris comes downstairs as well. "Hey, are you ready to make some breakfast? I was thinking that maybe we could make chocolate chip pancakes?" I suggest, while he hugs me from behind and kisses my cheek and jaw. "Sounds delicious, yeah" he replies, kissing my cheek again before gently resting his chin on my shoulder.

"You'd have to let go of me first though, I can't make pancakes like this" I giggle, turning myself around in his arms and wrapping mine around his neck. "But what if I don't want to let go?" he asks, looking at my lips for a while. "You still have to, I'm hungry and I'm sure you are too" I reply, followed by a happy sigh which makes him smile.

"Alright, princess" he adds, so we both laugh again and start to make the pancakes. We spend the rest of the morning outside, taking a very long walk with Dodger until it's lunch time. Chris insists in buying me lunch, again, so we sit down at a very cute little restaurant in the part where we have the lunch together.

After that lunch, we continue the walk and get some groceries for dinner on the way back. We're gonna make a few little dishes, just so everyone has something that they like. We make our way back to my place afterwards, and watch a movie while cuddling on the couch before Miles comes back home.

"You two look cozy enough, do you want me to get out again?" Miles asks, looking at us while we're still cuddling. "No, it's fine. We have to start on the dinner now anyway" I giggle, slowly letting go of Chris and getting off the couch, immediately feeling cold. "Good luck, I'll be upstairs" Miles chuckles, so I nod my head and watch him walk up the stairs.

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