𝟐𝟔. 𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞

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"Wait... You... You didn't get these for me because I got you those bracelets, did you? Because I just got them for you as a gift because they made me think of you, it's not like I expected something in return!" I quickly say, getting a little nervous about the fact that he could've given me the jewelry just because I got him the bracelets." I know, princess. I got these for you about a week or 3 ago, I just never grew the balls to give them to you" Chris chuckles in reply, making me smile.

"Okay, good..." I sigh, feeling relieved now before he kisses my cheek. He takes me back inside because we're getting cold, and we enjoy the rest of the night with each other, pretty much ignoring the rest. When it's 3am, it's really time for everyone to leave. We all say goodbye to each other, and thank each other for a great time. I obviously wasn't part of the cast, but I was there every day so they involved me too.

The last one to leave after helping me clean up while Miles went to bed, is Chris. I walk him to the door, and let out a silent sigh. "I'm gonna miss you, you know..." I say, leaning against the door post as he grabs his car keys from his pocket, before looking up at me again. "I'm gonna miss you too, when are you coming back?" he asks, taking my hand in his free hand now.

"In two weeks, I'm staying with my parents. How about you? Also visiting family?" I ask in reply, while he puts on a pouty face about me leaving for two weeks. "Yeah, but my mom lives in Sudbury so that's not a big deal... God, I'm gonna miss you... Text and call me every day, yeah?" he asks in reply, squeezing my hand for a second as I giggle.

"Ofcourse, bub. Send my love to your mom and Scott, by the way. Oh, and the rest of your family too ofcourse, but they don't know me so that's gonna be weird" I giggle again, making him laugh. "I was planning on telling them about you on Christmas anyway, so it'll be convenient" he laughs, and I laugh with him.

"Go home, handsome. You need some sleep, you look pretty exhausted. Are you okay to drive home? I mean, you still have your things so you can stay here again if you're too tired to-" I try to suggest, but he interrupts me by putting his keys back into his pocket and stepping inside. "Yup, never gonna say no to that offer" he jokingly sighs, taking the leash off Dodger again too which makes me laugh.

After taking off his shoes again, he kisses my cheek and lifts me up, bridal style. I laugh out loud as he walks up the stairs, getting me to my room and jokingly throwing me on the bed. "Wanna cuddle before getting some sleep?" he asks, making me laugh again. "You do know that it's 3am, right?" I reply, still giggling a little while he nods his head.

"Go put on your pajamas and get back here when you're done then, Cap" I add, making him smile bright. He hovers over me for a second, kisses all over my face and leaves the room again. My God, that man! I get off my bed, quickly change into my pajamas and get my bed nice and comfy for us to lay down in.

Only a few minutes later, Chris knocks on the door. I tell him to come in, so he comes in with a huge smile and we immediately get in bed. We cuddle the whole time, give each other little kisses and tell each other the sweetest things in between, until I start to get really tired. We're both laying on our side, facing each other while I rest my head against his chest with my arm around him, and his arms are wrapped around me very strongly.

He moves his fingers over the skin on my back, giving me the best feeling ever while I do the same thing to him. "Chrissy... I'm gonna fall asleep..." I whisper, already closing my eyes and feeling myself almost drifting away in his arms. "Me too, but... That's okay, right?" he silently asks, making me smile. "Yeah, that's okay" I reply, still silently before I slowly fall asleep.

I get woken up by someone saying my name, and feel Chris' body pressed against my back, making me smile as I slowly open my eyes. "Hey, Am, I'm sorry but... You have to wake up now" I hear, coming from next to me again. I slowly look up, and see Miles standing there with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey... What time is it?" I silently ask woth a sleepy voice, rubbing my eyes while Chris' arms are still wrapped around me, holding me close to his body like he never wants to let me go. "It's 8am now, we're supposed to leave in an hour and I thought you'd want to take a shower and stuff so... I'm sorry for waking you up" Miles replies, giving me a sweet smile.

"Shit, I forgot to set an alarm... I'm sorry sweetie, I'll be downstairs in a few minutes to make you some breakfast" I add, followed by a silent sigh. "No rush, Amsy. It's nice to see you this happy, I'm really glad you met him" he says, nodding Chris' way for a second. "Thank you sweetie, I'm really glad about that too" I reply, running my hand through his curly hair once before he walks away again.

I let out another silent sigh, turn around in Chris' arms and softly smile at the sight of him sleeping. I start to give his face soft kisses, everywhere but on his lips. I love kissing Chris' face, it's just so soft and cute and it smells so fucking good! I mostly push my nose underneath his jaw to just smell him, it's amazing and it makes me feel so safe!

I miss his jaw and his nose a few more times, until he starts to wake up. "What a way to start the day" he suddenly whispers, making me giggle. "Goodmorning, bubba" I giggle again, making him smile as he slowly opens his eyes. "Goodmorning, beautiful" he whispers, using all of his morning strength to bow down to me and to kiss my cheek.

"I have to get out of bed, I forgot to set my alarm last night but you can stay in for a while longer" I sigh, slowly letting him go and giving him one more kiss on his cheek before getting out of bed. "Can't we cuddle for like 5 more minutes?" he asks, whining like a baby as he reaches his arms out to me.

"I can't, I have to leave in like an hour and I still have to take a shower, pick an outfit, get dressed, get my hair done, make you and Miles some breakfast and put our bags in the car" I explain, walking up to the attached bathroom as I giggle. "Right, sorry" Chris sighs, but I shake my head.

"It's okay, I'd love to cuddle for a while longer too, but I can't. You can use the room to change if you want to, and you can take a shower int he guest room" I reply, running back to him to kiss his face and then running back into the bathroom while he laughs. I get around the corner, and undress myself before getting in the shower.

I wash my hair and my body, enjoy the hot waterdrops and get out again after just standing there for a little while. I wrap a towel around myself, and walk back into my bedroom. "Oh, um, I-I'm sorry, sorry" Chris quickly says, taking a few steps back and almost knocking over a little table.

"What? Why are you apologizing?" I ask, walking over to my closet and opening it to find an outfit, knowing that I'll probably just wear a pair of jeans and Chris' gray hoodie. "Well I-I'm still here and... And you're... Well... I-I just forgot my phone in here so... I'll see you downstairs! You look beautiful, bye now" he quickly replies, giving me a quick kiss on my cheek before walking out of the room.

"Dork" I whisper to myself, giggling about his actions while I grab a pair of jeans and his hoodie. I walk back into the bathroom, get dressed and do my hair before looking in the mirror. I let out a silent sigh as I look at myself, getting a little insecure right now.

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