𝟑𝟑. 𝐂𝐨𝐳𝐲

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We get into my room, change into our pajamas and get to the bathroom that's attached to my bedroom. "Oh, Chrissy, look what I got us!" I happily say, running back to my bedroom as I remember what I got for us last week. I run back to him again af te r grabbing it, and hand it over. "What is th- Oh my God, you did not just get us matching toothbrushes" he chuckles, followed by a loud laugh.

"I know, they're awesome!" I giggle, wrapping my arm around his waist as I look at the toothbrushes. "They are, this is great" he chuckles again, kissing the top of my head before opening the little package. We use them to brush our teeth immediately, laughing a lot and cuddling a lot too. We get to bed after that, cuddle up and talk about the day a little.

His head is resting on my boobs, and his arms are fully wrapped around my waist. "I'm really glad you're here, bubba" I whisper, running my hand through his hair while I use my other hand to softly rub his back. "I'm really glad about that too, baby. You know that I care about you more than I care about anyone else, right?" he asks, making me smile.

"Really?" I silently ask in reply, tearing up a little before he looks up. "Really. You're my baby, my girl. I wouldn't be here if you weren't, would I?" he jokingly asks, making me laugh. "You're cute, dork" I giggle, kissing the top of his head again. After a while of talking about how much we mean to each other, we fall asleep. We both wake up again the next morning, and get downstairs for breakfast with my family.

We spend this whole day doing fun things, like taking walks and watching movies. My family really got to see how close Chris and I are, because we didn't hold back. After dinner, Chris and I make our way back to my room, and watch a movie in bed. When the movie ends, I stretch myself out a little and kiss his jaw.

"I'm gonna go take a bath, I think" I sigh, making him smile. "Go do that, I'm gonna go take a shower after that if that's okay" he replies, kissing the top of my head. "You can take a shower now, we can both put on some underwear right? I just don't really wanna leave your side" I giggle, getting out of the bed.

"Are you sure?" he asks, looking at me like I just said something about Heaven. "Yeah I am, if you want to ofcourse" I reply, walking up to my closet to grab the prettiest panties and bra I can find. "Oh fuck yes, you don't have to ask me twice" he quickly adds, jumping out the bed and grabbing a pair of boxers for himself which makes me laugh.

"I'll be in there to change, I'll open the doors when I'm done" I giggle, so he nods his head and watches me go into the bathroom. I take off my clothes, fill up the bath and add some bubbles too, and put on the red colored lingerie I took from my closet. I brush my hair, look in the mirror, take a deep breath and ask Chris if he's done. He says yes, so I open the doors and look at him, standing in front of me with just his boxers.

Oh, my, God... Those fucking muscles... All I want to do right now, is run up to him, jump into his arms and kiss his lips. I want to push him down on the bed, kissing his neck and his chest until I get to those tight black boxers of his. I want to slowly pull them down, and then- oh jeez, nope!

"Ready, bub?" I ask, clearing my throat and trying to forget about that things I want to do to him right now. "Yeah, I'm all-" he replies, until he turns around. He looks right at me now, not being too subtle about checking my body out and licking his lips in the process while his eyes suddenly turn a shade darker. "All done..." he silently adds, making me smile.

"You look handsome, come here" I giggle, making him smile as well. He walks up to me, checking me out one more time before turning into the cute little puppy I know. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he wraps his around my waist. He softly rubs my back, and kisses my shoulder a few times before letting go.

"You look beautiful, gorgeous even" Chris says, looking into my eyes with his own eye color again. "Thank you, bubba" I giggle, kissing his cheek before walking over to the bathtub. "Don't spill too much on the floor, I don't wanna slip when I get out of there" he jokingly adds, pointing at the shower as I laugh. I nod my head, and watch him walk into the shower while I slowly get into the bathtub.



Chris' POV

Amelia gets into the bathtub, very slowly. It looks like she knows what she's doing to me, because God, I'm going crazy. I really had to try not to get hard out there, and I almost failed. She looks so hot in that red lingerie set she's wearing, with her beautiful hair hanging over her shoulder as she looks at me with her beautiful warm eyes.

I step into the shower now, turn on the water and think about what I want to do to her right now. I just want to get her out of that bath, take her to the bed and lay her down before hovering over her. I want to kiss her lips so hard that they'll be bruised by the time I'm done with her, I want to leave marks all over her body and I want to kiss down her stomach till I get to those sexy panties.

I want to slowly take them down, and kiss her thighs while she begs for me to touch her. I want to hold her hips down as I eat her out, and I want to hear her moan my name while I make her feel good. I want to make her cum at least 3 more times after that, and I want to suck her nipples so bad. I want to spread her legs even wider for myself, I want to take my underwear off and I want her to tell me to fuck her.

I want her to moan out loud when I fill her up and stretch her out, because I just know that she's tight down there. I want to move in and out of her in a perfect pace after letting her adjust to me, and I want to run her clit while I fuck her. I want her to cum, and when I do that, I want to flip her over on her stomach.

I want to pull her ass up in the air, grab her hands and put them behind her back as I hold them. I want to fuck her again, but from behind this time. I want her to cum again, and again, and again until we're done for the night. When we go to sleep together, and wake up again, I want to do it all again. I want to do it till the day I fucking die, because my God, I love that girl.

I take a deep breath, look down and try not to gasp. "Fuck..." I whisper to myself, trying to think of other things than burying my dick inside Amelia because u need to calm the fuck down. I don't think I've been this hard in months, this girl does something to me even though we're not together right now. I love her so much, and that feeling combined with lust, that's fucking incredible.

I try to think of other things like Dodger, a Red Sox game or my family, and eventually, it works. Amelia and I are having a little conversation about Ohio and about me meeting her family, which kind of works. It gets my mind off the things I want to do to her, which is what I need right now.

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