𝟐𝟕. 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐝

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As I'm looking at myself in the mirror, feeling a little insecure, I realize that I have to get going. I have about 30 minutes left before we have to drive towards the airport, to fly to Ohio for the holidays. I'm gonna miss Chris a lot, he makes me so happy and it's gonna be weird to not have him around. Last night, when he stayed with me and and we fell asleep in each other's arms, I felt safe.

I've never felt more safe than I do when I'm with him, it's almost unreal. I still don't know what this feeling is trying to tell me, all I know is that I never ever want to ruin the bond that Chris and I have now. I keep looking in the mirror for a few more seconds, hoping that Chris will like the basic casual and comfortable outfit I'm wearing, and put on a little bit of mascara.



Chris' POV

I make my way downstairs with goosebumps all over my body and a big smile on my face, and walk up to the kitchen. Honestly, I'm trying to be respectful towards Amelia by not kissing her or doing anything else, but she's not making it easy for me. She just walked out of that bathroom in a towel, just a single fucking towel.

She looked so gorgeous, her wet hair falling down so perfectly while little drops of water rested on her shoulders and her legs. That look did things to me, I got all nervous and I realized how deeply in love I am right now. That girl is literally everything I could ever wish for, inside and out. She's amazing, I've never met someone like her before.

I just stare at the kitchen counter, thinking about Amelia until Miles suddenly walks up to me. "Hey Chris, how did you two sleep? I didn't even know you were gonna be staying the night" he says, standing on the other side of the counter, looking at me. "I slept great, thanks. Yeah I um, I wasn't supposed to but... Yeah" I nervously chuckle, and he laughs with me.

"You two looked really cute in there, I was waking Am upvso I saw you together. Are you okay, though? You seem a little nervous or something" Miles adds, frowning a little as he smiles at me. "I'm uh... You know..." I sigh, looking at the counter again. "I don't, actually. What's up?" he asks again, so I look up and give him a little smile. I have nothing to lose right now, I just want to tell him.

"I am... Really, really... Deeply... In love with your sister" I finally reply, saying the last sentence pretty fast. There, I finally said it. Miles just looks at me with raised eyebrows and a huge smile on his face, nodding his head at me. "I know you are" he says, looking at me like he's fully supporting this while I slightly frown.

"Wait, what? How did you-" I try to ask, but he interrupts me by a laugh. "Chris, honestly? It's very obvious, could be because I see you two every day but uh, yeah, it's really obvious. Not in a bad way though, the way that you look at each other has something magical or something, like a fairytale even" he explains, making me smile.

"You're not mad at me? I mean, it's your sister we're talking about" I say, and he smiles back at me as he shakes his head. "I don't know why I could even be mad at all, actually! My sister means the world to me, and all I want is for her to be happy. That's what you do to her, you make her happy. I think you're the person she pretty much always needed, and now you're here! Thank you for thst, seriously, thank you for making her so happy" Miles tells, tearing up a bit like this actually touches him.

I walk over to the other side of the counter, and give him a big hug. "I appreciate that, buddy" I silently say, slowly letting go of him again. "Sorry, it's just... It's been a while since she's been this happy, it just means the world to me and I'm really grateful for you at the moment" he chuckles, making me laugh.

"I'm really grateful for the two of you too, bud" I chuckle, giving him one more hug before getting back to the other side of the counter. Amelia told me that she still had a few things to do before they leave, and she seemed a little bit pressured by it, so I decide to help her out by making us all some breakfast.



Back to Amelia's POV

When I'm finally done, with everything, I grab my bags and walk down the stairs with them. I get my bags to the hallway, and put them down next to Miles' bags. I make my  way to the kitchen, and stop walking for a second as I see Chris standing there, baking enough pancakes for us all. I keep looking at him, smiling softly and feeling really happy again.

I can't believe he's doing this for me, it's the sweetest, most thoughtful thing ever. I told him the things that I still needed to do before Miles and I have to leave, and he's doing one of those things for me. See, the small things really matter to me. I slowly walk up to him, and wrap my arm around his waist as I stand next to him.

"Hey beautiful, you okay?" he asks, clearly noticing the tears that just formed in my eyes. "I'm okay, yeah. Are you okay?" I ask in reply, looking up at him with a smile. "I'm okay, princess. What's up?" he asks again, making me smile brighter than before. "I just really appreciate this, Chrissy" I sigh, leaning my head against him now.

"You were getting overwhelmed, so I thought why not help you out for as far as I can" he replies, kissing the top of my head. He knows me so well, I wasn't even noticing that I was getting overwhelmed, but now that I'm thinking of it, he's right. I was getting overwhelmed because of the things I still had to do and about the fact that I didn't have much time, I can't believe he noticed that sooner than I did.

"Thank you, thank you so much..." I silently say, almost whispering as he kisses my head again. "Ofcourse, princess. Did you pack all of your stuff? Your charger? Toothbrush? Clothes and pajamas? Passport? Plane tickets? Pills, if you take any?" he asks, making me smile. "I packed everything, yes. Thank you, Chrissy" I giggle, standing up straight and kissing his cheek before grabbing three plates.

Once Chris finishes the pancakes, I make the plates and we have the delicious breakfast with each other. Miles takes Dodger to the backyard for a moment while Chris and I do the dishes, until we have to leave. We make our way outside, and say goodbye to Chris. He hugs Miles first, and when he finally gets to me for a hug, he even lifts me up.

I giggle about it, wrapping my arms around me while he buries his face in my neck, kissing it every so often. "I'm gonna miss you... Text and call me every day, yeah?" Chris asks, putting me down again. "I will, I will. Say hi to your family, send them my love" I giggle, running my hand through his hair once.

"I will, but... Do you really have to go? I mean, I'm sure we have an extra seat at the table for Christmas, even for New Years" he whines, making me laugh. "Maybe next year bubba, but I have to go see my own family this year" I reply, kissing his jaw. "Fine..." he sighs in defeat, pouting like a baby before bending down a little and resting his forehead on my shoulder, which makes me laugh again and I jokingly push him off of me.

"Text me when you get to the airport, and text me when you landed safely, okay? Please?" he asks, taking both my hands. "Ofcourse, Cap" I reply, pulling him in for another hug with some kisses here and there. "Amsy, come on, we have to go" Miles suddenly says, followed by a laugh.

"Right, yeah, we have to go" I sigh, letting go of Chris again now even though I don't want to. "Alright beautiful, see you in two weeks then" he replies, kissing all over my face and giving me one last hug before I get in the car. Chris waves us goodbye as I drive off, and after only a few minutes, we get to the airport.

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