𝟐𝟏. 𝐁𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐚

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Back to Amelia's POV

After having dinner with Miles, I do the dishes on my own. Whenever I do the dishes now, I think about the water fights that Chris and I had in the past couple of weeks. I'm just having the best time with him, I can't even remember the last time I was as happy as I am when I'm with him. The moments we've been having every time are amazing, it's unbelievable.

Chris the sweetest, kindest, cutest and most thoughtful guy I have ever met in my whole entire life, and those words are just total understatements. No one has ever managed to make me feel so happy and free, so cozy and comfortable. I don't know why, but this is a feeling I never want to loose.

It's just been a while since I felt genuinely happy, and I really do feel genuinely happy a lot now, especially when I'm with him. Actually, I don't even have to be with him. Seeing him, hearing his voice or even is name is already enough to make me smile bright. He's great, I don't think I've ever had a friend I cared about more than I do about him.



- Time Skip, Three Weeks Later -

Tomorrow is the last day of filming Knives Out on set, and it kind of sucks. I mean, it's great that they almost finished the movie, but it sucks that I won't be able to go to set to bring everyone pie anymore. Things have been amazing between me and Chris, actually. We've been hanging out at least four times a week, usually taking the night to spend time together by having dinner.

Some things changed too, some cute things. Chris and I have been giving each other a lot of little kisses on our cheeks, foreheads and temples, but I can pretty much only reach his cheeks of we're not cuddled up on the couch. I've also been calling him a lot of things, other than Chris.

It's been Chrissy, Cap, sweetheart, handsome, (prince) charming, dreamy, hunk or bub/bubba. Mostly the last one, tho be honest. He's been calling me things too, like sweetheart, beautiful, angel, princess and dream girl. It's really cute, I enjoy calling him those things and I get goosebumps when he calls me those things!

Right now, I'm parking my car on my property. Miles and I both step out after a spending a day on set, which was mostly talking and cuddling with Chris, and get inside. I make us some pasta for dinner, and after that, we have the dinner together. Miles helps me with the dishes, before going up to his room.

I sit down on the couch with a cup of tea, and check my phone. I look around on Instagram, and come across a cute little online store. I look around there, and see the most perfect bracelets ever on their website. They just scream 'Chris', I have to order them in! After doing that, I decide to text him, hoping that he'll like them.


|text message|

Hey bub



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