𝟐𝟐. 𝐒𝐞𝐛 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐢𝐞

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"Hey, what's up?" I ask, placing my hand on his cheek for a second to make him look at me. "Just... It's really sweet, that's all" Chris chuckles in reply, blinking a few times to get the tears out of his eyes. I silently sigh, move the bag in his hand to the side and wrap my arms around his neck. "You look so huggable when you look at me with those puppy eyes, and it's really not a problem. They made me think of you, so I wanted to get them for you, okay?" I tell, giving him a little kiss on his cheek before letting go.

"Okay" he sighs, making me laugh before giving his cheek another kiss or two. "You're cute, now open up the rest" I giggle, so he bows down, kisses my cheek now and starts opening the other little bags with bracelets in them. I help him getting them all on, but he still refuses to take off my red hair tie. He's really cute, my heart is melting!

"They look so pretty on you!" I say, looking at the bracelets around his wrists which makes him smile. "They're awesome, thank you so much, princess" Chris replies, so I nod my head and kiss his cheek again. "Oh, really? Alright then..." he jokingly adds, before giving my cheek a kiss again.

I smile at him, and kiss his cheek yet again as I stand on my tippy toes to reach him. Before I can even get down again, he kisses my cheek, followed by me kissing his, over and over again while we giggle like teenagers. This thing turns into a kiss-contest pretty quick, kissing each other's cheeks, chins, jaws and noses a lot while we giggle and hold each other, until we hear someone clearing their throat.

I quickly look up, and see two people walking up to us. I recognize those people, I think they're Bucky and Wanda in the Marvel movies! Chris gives me one last kiss on the top of my head while his arms are still wrapped around my waist, before slowly letting go of me and only leaving his hand on my lower back.

I immediately look back at Chris again, and see that he's slowly bowing down. "Right, so, my friends are visiting today" he whispers in my ear, and I slightly widen my eyes. "Do you want me to leave? I can quickly go there and-" I try to suggest, also whispering be for he shakes his head. "No no, stay here, beautiful" he replies, so I take a deep breath, give him a little smile as I look into his proud puppy eyes, nodding my head and taking a little step so I'm standing against him.

He wraps his arm around my waist from the side now, and we watch his friends walk up to us with huge smiles on their faces while Chris and I just stand here, blushing like crazy. "H-hey guys! This, um... This is Amelia, my- uh... Miles' sister, I work with him, so..." Chris nervously says, after both of his friends hugged him. He hugged him back, but only with one arm, because he wasn't gonna let go of me for it.

"Well hi Amelia, it's so nice to finally meet you! I'm Sebastian, Chris' friend" one of the two adds, sticking out his hand towards me. "It's really nice to meet you too, I um... I really like your Marvel character" I reply, not really knowing what the fuck I should say right now. I'm really nervous about this, I didn't know I was going to be meeting Chris' friends today!

"Oh my God, hi! You're so pretty, wow! I'm Lizzie, it's so great to meet you!" the other person happily cheers, immediately wrapping her arms around me which makes me laugh. "It's really nice to meet you too, and thank you!" I giggle, and she laughs with me.

After talking to them while Chris keeps his arm around my waist for a few minutes, we make our way to the set. "Am, hey! Come here girl, I wanna have a chat with you!" Katherine happily says, walking up to us too as we get to the door of Chris' trailer.

I look up, right into Chris' eyes while he smiles at me. "It's fine, go. I'll see you after, yeah?" he asks, making me smile as well. "Yeah" I sigh, looking at his lips for a second before he full on kisses my cheek and my nose in front of his friends, making me giggle.

"It was really nice to meet you both, I'll see you in a few!" I add, looking at Sebastian and Lizzie. They both tell me that it's likewise, and give me big hugs before I walk up to Katherine. Chris' friends are really nice people, and it's so great to see Bucky and Wanda in real life!



Chris' POV

I open the door to my trailer for Seb and Lizzie, and let them walk in. "Oh my God, she's a real life angel! Have you been on a date yet?" Lizzie immediately asks as I sit down on a chair. "Yeah, tell us! Are you guys dating now? Did you kiss her already?" Sebastian also asks, not giving me any time to even reply.

"Yeah, it looks like you already kissed! Did you have sex yet? And oh, does she want kids too? Where does she live? Any pets?" Lizzie asks again, but before I can reply, Sebastian already starts talking. "What's gonna happen after tomorrow? Since it's the last day on set, are you still gonna see her? Are you planning on asking her to be your girlfriend soon?" he asks, and I let out a silent sigh.

"Did she see your house yet? Did she meet your family, and did you meet hers? How long has it been now? Are you in love with her?" Lizzie asks again, still not giving me the opportunity to say anything. "Right, yeah, are you? Do you love her? Does she like or love you back? Are you-" Sebastian tries to add, but this time, I interrupt him.

"Okay, okay! Alright, calm down! Yes, I think we've been on a few dates and yeah, I guess we're... I guess you could call it dating, but uh, we never talked about it so I'm not sure" I finally reply, while they both sit down as well. "Chris... You need to talk to her about it, you know that right? Just to clear things up, that would be a good thing to do" Lizzie says, and I slowly nod my head.

"So... Does she like you back?" Sebastian asks, making me look up. "I don't know... I mean, I guess she... I don't know, I don't want to get my hopes up" I nervously chuckle, scratching the back of my neck for a second. "That's exactly why you should talk to her about it, just so you know if she's in this the same way that you are" Lizzie tells, so I nod my head again. Yeah, they might be right...



Back to Amelia's POV

After talking to Katherine for a while longer, I take the last cupcakes and take them back to Chris' trailer to give them to him and his friends. We talk for a while longer, until he has to go do some scenes. Sebastian, Lizzie and I watch him do all of them, and spend the rest of the day together on set, mostly talking about their friendship and about how it was for them to work together on Marvel movies.

When everyone is done on set, we all make our way to the parking lot. Miles met Sebastian and Lizzie too, he loved it! The two of them go to the car, and drive off to Chris' place, where they'll be staying for a night before they leave again in the morning. Miles gets in the car, but before I can get in the car too, Chris takes my hand.

"Hey beautiful, can we talk for a second?" he asks, making me a little nervous. "Yeah, ofcourse! What's up?" I ask, squeezing his hand once. "I um... I was wondering, uh..." he tries to ask, looking really nervous with a little frown, pretty much staring at our hands until he looks up into my eyes. It's like he's rethinking all of his life choices, before giving me the sweetest smile ever.

"I was wondering if you'd want to go for a walk with me and Dodger tomorrow, before the dinner thing" he suggests, making me smile as well. Right, the dinner thing. The whole Knives Out cast is coming over at my place tomorrow, to have a dinner I have to cook. Chris already offered me some help, so he'll be there earlier than the rest will!

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