𝟏𝟓. 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐲

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Warnings: spoilers of the movie A Star Is Born, mentions of suicide (in the movie)


"This smells fucking awesome, I already knew that you're a good cook but still, wow" Chris says, making me laugh. "You haven't tasted it yet, maybe it's terrible" I giggle, but he shakes his head. "Can't be, it's gonna be perfect" he chuckles, so I give him a bright sme as I slowly shake my head. After finishing the dish, we get to the dinner table and sit down to have the lunch.

"Oh, my, God" Chris says after taking a bite, followed by one of those sexy moans again. I bite the inside of my lower lip as he slight throws his head back, closing his eyes before looking back at me. Honestly, this man is... You know what, we're just friends! I shouldn't think of him this way, even though my mind is telling me to jump his bones.

"It's amazing, really" he adds, looking at my lips for a second. "I'm glad" I silently reply, before I bite the inside of my bottom lip again. We stare right into each other's eyes, smiling a little and switching our eyes from down to the lips to back up again. I'm drowning in my thoughts, so I take a deep breath and start eating the pasta we made.

After talking a little during the lunch, we do the dishes together too. After that, we decorate the cake that cooled down, and taste it. Chris and I both love it, but that man should really stop the moans because I can barely control my thoughts when he does it. It's just so, fucking, hot.

"Alright, now we're gonna do something else. Come with me, beautiful" Chris says after putting the cake away again, offering me his hand. "Something else? Really?" I ask, taking his hand and caressing it with my thumb. "Yeah, something else" he chuckles, before taking me outside.

He keeps holding my hand the whole time, as we walk through Boston together. We take a few quiet streets, where people won't immediately recognize Chris. After a few minutes of walking together and talking a little, we get to a beautiful small movie theater. We're not at the front of tbd theater, but we're at the back. Chris let's go of my hand, and walks up to a door.

"After you, my lady" he says, opening the backdoor of the movie theater. "Really? Are we allowed to do this?" I ask, giggling a little as I slowly walk up to him. "I know the owner, so there won't be a problem. Come on, the movie is starting" he replies, holding the door for me. I step inside te dark hallway, soon followed by Chris taking my hand and leading me into the right room. There are only a few people in here, watching the movie that just started.

Chris and I take place in the back, where people will barely see us. "This movie is called 'A Star Is Born', it's a movie about music or something, I'm not sure but it was the only movie playing at this time" he whispers in my ear, making me giggle as silent as I can. We watch the movie together, holding hands while Chris' arm is around me.

Towards the end of the movie, it gets really sad. Jackson dies by hanging himself in the garage, and not showing up to Ally's performance. It made me tear up, but when Ally starts singing 'I'll Never Love Again' after Jackson's death, a few tears leave my eyes. I really hope that Chris isn't noticing it, I'm just a very emotional person and I cry quickly!

I slowly look to my side, and softly smile at the sight of one tear rolling down Chris' cheek as well. He looks back at me after only a second or two, and gives me a smile as well. It only takes us like three seconds before we burst out laughing, trying to be as quiet as we can.

"Shh, shh!" I whisper, trying not to laugh harder. When the movie is over, we quickly leave through the back before the lights turn on, and start laughing once we're out. We walk back to Chris' place, and talk about the movie on the way. It was an amazing movie, but pretty sad at the end.

"Alright sweetheart, let's drink something before we have to go again" he says after we got inside again, handing over a glass of water. "Again? Where to?" I ask, giggling a little. "Out, for dinner. I found a great fancy restaurant, and-" Chris tries to reply, but I interrupt him.

"A fancy restaurant? No, no let's... Let's not do that" I quickly say, making him frown a little. "No?" he asks, looking a little nervous and disappointed in himself after looking at his feet for a second. "No, I um... I-I want to have dinner with you, just not in a restaurant. Because, you know, I don't have fancy clothes with me and I don't think you have any fancy women's clothes in here either" I giggle, making him sigh in relief.

"You scared me there for a second, but uh, no I don't. I don't have a girlfriend or anything so, yeah, it's just me in here. Me and my men's clothes, no woman in here! Not yet, you know, I wanna have a future and all but uh... Yeah, just me! No girlfriend" he replies, like he wants to make it clear that he doesn't have a girlfriend.

"So... Why don't we go to my place? We can order in some pizza, my treat, and then we can watch a movie!" I happily add, making him smile again. "Sounds like a good plan, but I'm paying for dinner either way. Let's go, beautiful" Chris chuckles, putting his empty glass down just like I do.

"We'll see about that... Oh, wait, I'm still wearing your hoodie" I say, grabbing the lower part and moving it up until Chris' hands stop mine. "Don't, it's yours now" he tells, looking at my lips before looking up into my eyes again. I stop breathing for a second, get the hoodie down again and giving him a soft smile before looking at his lips as well.

"Let's go" Chris silently says after a while of just looking at each other, taking my hand again and walking me to the door. "Wait, um, shouldn't we take Dodger with us? I mean, what if it's gonna be really late and he'll be all alone? I don't have any sharp or dangerous or poisonous things in my house, so... He's free to visit any time" I add, putting on my coat which he held for me.

"Really? I mean, yeah! Sure, but uh, are you sure about that?" he asks, frowning a little with a smile. "Ofcourse, yes! It'll be fun" I giggle, nodding my head. "Alright then, thanks! Come on buddy, let's go" Chris says, so Dodger runs up to us and Chris attaches his leash.

The three of us make our way outside after grabbing some things for Dodger to eat and things to cuddle or play with, and get in the car. Chris drives back to my home in Cambridge, and I take him and Dodger inside once we get there. I get Dodger two bowls, fill one of them up with water and the other one with his food.

I take Chris to the couch, order in some pizza and turn on the TV. We look for a movie to watch, and end up watching The Little Mermaid after the pizza arrives. Chris and I both sing along with the songs, and after finishing the pizza, the movie ends too. I check the fridge, and see that I still have some ice cream in here. I take it with me, along with two spoons, and get back to the couch.

We're sitting very close, actually against each other now because we're sharing the ice cream as we watch Aladdin, still singing along with every song. After we finished the ice cream, we just keep sitting like this. Chris softly wraps his arm around me again like he did in the movie theater. This is nice, really nice even, I don't remember ever feeling more comfortable. This was and still is a good day, a really fucking good day.

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