𝟒𝟏. 𝐂𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐄𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 *

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Chris starts kissing my neck, causing me to let out a slight moan until he moves the straps of my bikini top off my shoulders. I stop breathing for a second, trying to get less nervous about him seeing my body like this. Suddenly, he stops all of his movements and looks right into my eyes. "Baby, are you okay?" he asks, looking really concerned.

"Hm, yeah, I'm okay! Are you okay?" I ask in reply, giving him a little smile. "Baby, be honest. Are you okay?" he asks again, not smiling at all. It looks like he's genuinely worried about how I'm feeling, like he hates himself for what he did. "Chris, honey, I'm okay. I'm serious, I'm okay" I tell, nodding my head and placing my hand on his cheek.

"We don't have to do this, baby. There's no need to do this right now, we can wait, we can wait for 5 years if you want to, that's okay, that's okay, just tell me-" he nervously let's out while his hands try to close the back of my bikini top again, until I interrupt him.

"Chris, stop, breathe" I exclaim, so he immediately stops talking and takes a deep breath. "I just don't want to push you into doing anything you don't want to do, baby" he calmly says, making me smile. "I want to do this, I'm one hundred percent sure bubba" I giggle, making him smile as well.

"Tell me if you're not comfortable, please" he sighs, looking at my lips again. "I will, but I won't be uncomfortable. You tell me too, okay?" I ask, making him smile yet again as he slowly nods his head, before kissing my lips. The kiss heats up pretty quickly again, and before I know it, my bikini top slowly slides down my arms.

I start breathing a little faster, immediately pulling Chris' chest against mine so he can't see my boobs, as he puts my top on the side of the pool. "You okay?" he asks in between the kiss, so I just nod my head and keep kissing him. I am okay, just a little insecure.

I slowly move his swimming trunks down a little as we kiss, just enough to let out a silent moan at the feeling of his hardening member against me. Chris gets his hands down, moving my bikini bottoms to the side after looking up into my eyes for permission, which I gave him.

We keep making out, while his fingers slowly discovers my folds. He finds my clit easily, and keeps his finger on it the whole time. It drives me crazy, I just need to have him inside me. I move my hand down as well, and start giving his huge member slow strokes. Well fuck, how is this ever gonna fit?

Chris starts to rub slow circles on my clit now, causing me to moan and pump him faster. He groans into my mouth, making me moan again until he takes my bikini bottoms off. He puts them on the side of the pool too, next to my top, and gently takes my wrist to stop my movements. I let go of him, lick his lips and kiss him again while he lines up to my entrance.

He looks up into my eyes for permission again, so I immediately nod my head with a smile. "Are you sure, baby?" he asks, looking like a puppy. "I'm sure, I'm sure bub. Are you sure?" I ask in reply, making him smile. "I'm sure" he adds, so I smile bacn at him. I wrap my arms around his neck, kiss his soft lips again and moan at the feeling of Chris slowly pushing himself inside of me for what feels like forever. My God, he's fucking huge...

"Fuck..." I silently moan, while he softly groans into my mouth again. "You okay?" he asks, stopping the kiss to look at me again. "I'm... I'm okay, I'm okay. Are you okay?" I ask in reply, so he tells me the same thing and kisses me again. After letting me adjust to him for a moment longer, I nod my head to tell him that he can move.

He slowly starts moving, so I move with him and moan a little louder this time. Chris' kisses move to my neck now, leaving a mark underneath my ear and groaning against my skin every so often. We move perfectly with each other, enjoying our intimate moment alone, finally.

Chris makes sure that I'm okay with everything a lot of times, holding me as gentle as he can and giving my neck and lips a lot of kisses. We keep moving slowly, moaning together and kissing each other a lot, bringing me closer to my climax each time he hits my g-spot over and over again.

I pull him closer with my legs as I keep them around his waist, moving my kisses to his neck while Chris rubs my clit with his thumb. I become a moaning mess, as he growls into my ear and dugs his fingers in my waist. "D-do you, fuck... Do you want me to pull-" he tries to ask, but I interrupt him.

"No" I say, underneath my breath which makes him smile against my neck. He knows that I'm on birth control, he's been with me a lot when I took it every night. I buck my hips with him, and climax after a few more thrusts. My legs are shaking, this was fucking amazing! He thrusts a few more times, riding out our high after he filled me up.

"God..." I whisper in his ear as he pulls out of me, both of us catching our breath. "That was..." Chris adds, but he can't even finish the sentence. "Yeah, it was" I giggle underneath my breath, making him softly laugh with me as we catch our breath.

He looks into my eyes, smiles at me and gives me a long, sweet kiss after he just fucked the shit out of me. We keep catching our breath, giving each other little kisses after putting on our swimwear. "Are you okay, baby?" he asks, rubbing my back and giving my face a lot of kisses.

"I'm more than okay, bubba. Are you?" I ask in reply, wrapping my arms around his neck again. "More than okay" he also replies, making me laugh before I kiss his lips again. I pull him closer, run my fingers through his hair and use my other hand to run those nails over his back.

I bite his lower lip during the kiss, just to let him know that I'm actually getting excited for him yet again. He smiles during the kiss, and starts walking to the little stairs through the pool. He lets go of me for a second to let me get out, and follows me.

"Wanna watch a movie or something? I think that would be-" I try to suggest, but I get interrupted by him kissing me again. "Jump" he whispers in between the kiss, so I wrap my arms around him and jump up. He takes me inside, walks up the stairs with me as we keep making out, and gets to the bedroom.

He closes the door behind him so the dogs can't come in, and lays me down on the bed. He hovers over me over me, and kisses me yet again as I wrap my legs around him. His kisses move to my neck, to my collarbone and back up to my neck again. It makes me silently moan, and I slightly arch my back as he leaves another mark behind my ear.

That little space is enough for him to unclip my top again, in one single movement. He takes it off, and looks at my breasts and my tattoos for a second. He growls, and licks his lips as he looks at all the tattoos I have that he didn't see before. After that, he continues to kiss my neck. Suddenly, his kisses make their way down to my hardened nipples.

He cups my right breast with his hand, and starts sucking on my left nipple. I silently moan again, and gently take his hair in my hand. All of a sudden, he switches. He starts sucking on my right nipple, cupping my left breast in his hand. I've had sex before, but not like this. It usually went straight to intercorse, or it started in the guy's advantage, but never mine.

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