𝟐𝟖. 𝐎𝐡𝐢𝐨

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It takes us about two hours to get to Ohio, where my sister and her wife and son are waiting for us at the airport. We're gonna be staying here for two weeks, going home again in the very beginning of January. "Miles, Am! Hey guys, it's been so long!" my sister Sierra cheers, hugging us both at the same time. "God, I missed you guys" I giggle, hugging her back while Miles makes his way to Chloe, Sierra's wife.

"My God Amelia, you look so good! You're freaking glowing, girl!" Sierra adds, putting her hands on my shoulders and looking at every inch of my body and face which makes me laugh. "Thank you, you look great too!" I giggle, so she gives me one more hug before I get to Chloe.

"Wow, you really are glowing" she adds, hugging me tightly as I thank her. I greet their son Hunter as well, he's such a great kid and he's practically glued to me whenever I'm here, and we make our way to the car. Hunter wants to sit with me, so I let him as we drive up to my parents home. He's 3 years old now, he's the cutest!

I greet my parents with a lot of love, I really missed them! We take off our coats and shoes, and immediately change into some comfortable clothes. We all spend the whole day talking about the past months, and about the things that happened while I wasn't here. My mom and I make some pastries for the family after ordering in pizzas for dinner, and she also tells me that I'm glowing. Well, I guess I just feel really good!

We spend the rest of the night watching Christmas movies after I put Hunter to bed, and when it's almost midnight, we all go to bed. After taking a shower, I make my way to my childhood bedroom where my parents still keep my queen size bed. I lay down, get comfortable underneath the blankets and check my phone. I immediately smile at the sight of a few messages from my favorite person.


Instagram story of @ameliarose

Instagram story of @ameliarose

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Instagram story of @ameliarose

Instagram story of @ameliarose

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