𝟒𝟕. 𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐈𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐥 (𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒏𝒅)

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(This chapter is a little longer than usual)



- Time Skip, One Month Later -

I'm laying in my bed with my beloved boyfriend next to me, and Dodger and Stevie are sleeping on the floor. We just got back from his mom's house, we had dinner with his family tonight and it was amazing. I really love spending time with his family, they're the sweetest people ever and we always have a good time with them. It's already 1am now, so we immediately got to bed and cuddled up.

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow, baby?" Chris asks, gently running his fingers over my arm. "Yeah, I'm going to England tomorrow" I sigh, not at all feeling like I wanna go there. "What? Since when?" he asks, looking down at me with a little frown. "I told you a while ago, bub" I giggle, holding him closer now.

"You did? Really?" he asks again, still frowning a little. "Yeah, I'm going there to visit the shops, remember? Sarah is gonna be there too, she's bringing her boyfriend with her" I tell, so he slowly nods his head. "Why don't you take your boyfriend with you?" he carefully asks, still looking down at me. I look up, and see that he's smiling now.

"Well, do you want me to?" I ask in reply, turning to my stomach and holding myself up with my elbows. "Yeah, actually. I wanna come with you, I wanna meet your best friend, I wanna meet your employees- I mean coworkers, and I just kinda wanna be in England with you because I'll miss you too much if you go by yourself" Chris replies, making me smile.

"Sounds good, handsome" I giggle, leaning in to kiss his lips. I book him a flight to England real quick, a last minute one, and lay back down in bed. "Sarah and Jake are gonna be here at 9am tomorrow, so let's get up early enough for you to grab some things. We're gonna stay for a week of that's okay with you, we'll be back in time for Christmas" I explain, kissing his lips before cuddling up again.

We wake up by the alarm ringing the next morning, take a shower together and get ready for England. While we're having a quick breakfast in the kitchen together, the doorbell already rings. "Oh, they're early" I say, looking at the time. It's only 8.30am, so they're about half an hour early. I can see Chris getting nervous, so before walking up to the door, I kiss his lips.

"They're gonna love you, you know" I add, giving him smile. "Let's hope they will" he chuckles, making me laugh before I kiss him again. I walk up to the front door, open up and greet Sarah and Jake both with a hug. "So um, there's been a slight change of plans" I nervously say before taking them with me.

"Someone's here, right? I can hear it, who is it? Oh my God, is it- is it that guy you won't tell me much about?!" Sarah loudly asks, making me laugh. "Shh! Yes, it's my, um... My b-boyfriend" I reply, and they both widen their eyes. "Boyfriend?! Really?!" she happily asks again, so I nod my head as I laugh and she hugs me again, almost jumping around.

"Girl, honestly, I wish I knew sooner! Oh my God, is he coming with us too?!" she loudly asks now, which yet again, makes me laugh. "Yup, but um, he's really nervous so please don't be weird about this. You actually uh, you know him, so..." I add, giving them a nervous smile before taking them to the kitchen.

"We know him? How would we-" Sarah tries to ask, until she sees who's in the kitchen. They try not to freak out about this, but as they shake Chris' hand, it's obvious that they freak out a little on the inside. That's okay, I wouldn't expect them not to. Come on, it's still Chris Evans! Shortly after we talked for a bit, we all make our way to the airport. Once we get to England, Chris and I take a nap in our hotel room and Sarah and Jake take a nap in theirs.

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