Chapter 1

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In LA, Danielle was looking forward to start a new life, this city had always been her dream, and now that she was here she couldn't believe it. Only if her mother knew that the blonde was being serious when at sixteen she planned on moving to the famous city after graduate.

Of course nothing was easy, and leaving her best friend was the hardest part, Barret had been her biggest support since ever, Savre couldn't remember a day were her big sister wasn't there for her, saving her in every way that a person can be save. Barret left her in the airport promising she'd visit her as soon as she can.

Danielle entered her new apartment, that she had only seen in photos and facetime with the previous owner, with just two bags, one full of clothes and another with all of her belongings. Sitting on the couch, the only thing there, she took a big breath and smiled, that was it? A new beginning.

As she sat there for a while, thinking about what she should do first. I mean, it was early so there was a lot to do. Bringing the keys and her bag with her, the blonde woman got out of her apartment making sure it was locked and went straight to the car until she heard her phone ringing.

-Hey babe!

-Hi hot one, how's my best friend?

She smiled, it was actually the first time they were at a call that faraway from each other.

-Weird, i mean, this is great actually, everything.

-Have you been able to do anything?

-I got here like two hours ago, the only thing i did was ride to my apartment and think about everything- Said while starting driving.

-Gosh, i miss you already.

-I miss you too...We haven't been this far since...

-Ever- Finished her sentence laughing.

-Do you think this is gonna get better?

-Since it hasn't been a whole day yet and we are already like this? No.

-You should move here.

-Excuse me?

-I mean why not?

-You're forgetting the part where im literally in my best place at work, and in a relationship.

-Yeah, i know, im kidding but not actually kidding.

-Stupid- They both laughed.

-Hey im going shopping right now, some things for the apartment. Can i call you later?- She stops the car in the parking lot.

-Of course! I still want a tour of your new place!

-I'll make sure you will see every detail.

-Have a great day, don't you dare forget about me!

-Neva eva- She said with a beautiful smile and a cute accent.

As Danielle got out of her car she could actually pay attention to the city for the first time. The beauty of that place was just incredible and she planned on enjoying every single thing.

Entering the store she could already imagine how the apartment was going to look like. Savre made sure the first thing to buy was a TV, and then have a look at things for the kitchen.

After spending all morning choosing new things, she allowed herself to go have lunch and decides to get some food at other store so that she could cook. There were so many shopping bags that she didn't even realize the woman in front of her.


-Oh god im so sorry!- The woman laughed and the blonde one looked at her "God she is beautiful" she thought.

-It's okay it's okay- She bend down trying to help her pick the groceries out of the ground.

-Thank you, sorry again- She smiled.

-You're not from here, are you?

-No, actually im from New York.

-Right, let me guess, first week here?

-Actually first day!

-Oh, not expecting that- Smiled- Did i...Did i break anything? I can buy another if you...

-Everything is fine.

She smiled back, they looked at each other for a while.

-Uhm, can i know your name?

-Danielle...Danielle Savre- Extends her hand and the other holds it.

-Stefania Spampinato.

-Well i like your name...It seems...

-Italian? Yeah.

Danielle smiles- I've heard that name somewhere. Well it was nice to meet you Stefania.

-Nice to meet you too, enjoy the city, there's a lot to explore.


Stefania was tall, long brown hair with matching eyes. Fancy clothes and high heels, perfect make up and an amazing accent.

Danielle made it to her new home and started unpacking everything she could bring in her car, still waiting for the other things that would be there by tomorrow's afternoon. Stood there the whole afternoon organizing all the things she could and didn't realized she had completely forgotten about eating.

-Oh shit- Laughs running to the kitchen to do something quickly.

As she stood there doing a quick mac and cheese, thought about that woman earlier, she could swear she knew her from somewhere. Her thoughts where interrupted by a phone call.

-Well hello there.

-Hi!- It was her niece

-How are you honey?

-I'm okay, missing you already, how are things going so far?

-Great, i've done some shopping, i'm doing something to eat and i think i'll go watch the sunset at the park later.

-Well that's cool.

-What do you want to say that you're not saying?

-Dad proposed to mom.

-Really? Oh my god!- Yelled.

-It was really cute, want me to send you some pictures?

-That would be great, i'll call your mom later okay?

-Yeah, i have to go now.

-Alright, hey Madeleine?


-I'm sorry i won't be there for your sixteenth birthday.

-It's okay, I'll miss you there tho, you're the soul of the party.

-I'll make it up to you i promise.

-I know you will, i love you.

-I love you too little princess- Smiles hanging up the phone.

The blonde was never too close to her family, so it was really easy to move across the country, but her niece was her little girl, Madeleine would talk to her whenever something was wrong.


Hi guys! My first fic in this account and i hope you like it, the first chapter is shorter than the others i'm preparing.
Also english is not my first language so please don't mind any spelling mistake.

Hope you're all doing well <3

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