Chapter 7

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I heard someone knocking on the door, i looked at the clock and it was half past ten, i had already get a lot of work done. Found it weird that Jaina didn't call my office to say someone was here.

-Come in.


-Danielle- I smiled.

-Here's coffee for you...- Leaves a cup in my table.

-You didn't have to.

-I'm heading to the mall to meet up with Caterina, the photoshoot ended a little early so i thought about coming here.

-Thank you.

-How's work going?

-Great, I think I can get out of here early than i expected.

-That's great, you can rest a little, and tomorrow is saturday.

-Oh you don't know me, i'm a workaholic- She smiles- I'm always working, you can ask the girls.

-Can't you have a weekend without working?

-I just got used to it.

-Take this weekend off- Says and i rolled my eyes- C'mon.

-Wanna go out for lunch tomorrow?

-Is that your way to tell me you're doing what i told you?

-Are we on that level?- I overlap on the table and she blushes- So...

-I want- Smiles.

-I'll give you a tour of my favorite places in los angeles what do think?

-Seems great, I have to go- Leaves a kiss on my cheek.


-We'll talk later right?- Says almost out of the office.

-Of course- I smile and she does the same.


It was late, probably ten when i got home, my phone had ran out of battery, i said goodbye to Caterina and entered my house, Barrett wasn't here yet so i left everything on my room and sat on the sofa with my phone charging, eating the sushi i brought.

"Just got home"

"Are you alive?"

There was a three hour difference between the two messages, the last one one hour ago.

D: I'm sorry, my phone died

S: It's okay, are you home?

D: On my sofa!

S: Good, were you all this time at the mall?

D: Yeah i had a lot to buy to my house, and for me

S: Hope you had a great time

D: I did

S: Is everything still up for tomorrow?

D: Of course, where do you want me to meet you?

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