Chapter 18

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-Hello?- I said answering Barrett's call.

-Danielle where are you?

-At the gym, what do you want?- I stopped the treadmill, sitting down.

-You didn't answered Stefania.

-No, why? Did she call you?

-I'm here Danielle.


-What the hell?

-Look I have to finish my workout.

-Danielle just hear me.

-Barrett no, and Stefania I'm sorry.


-Good night.

I let my guard down and I got involved with her knowing I couldn't do it, and I was completely wrong if I thought we could have something. So I distanced myself, it had been a week since everything happened and I never spoke to her again.
I took a shower at the gym, got in some comfortable clothes and made my way to the car.


-What are you doing here?

-I was waiting for you- She gets up and I put my bag on the table going straight to my room- Danielle.

-What? I'm fine, you can leave now.

-I waited all this time for you, alone sitting here looking at the walls, were you all this time working out?

-Yes I was, didn't ask you to wait for me- I take my shirt off going trough some clothes in my drawer.

-Do you need anything? Are you okay?

-Stefania I don't need a girlfriend, I don't need you to be checking in on me. I'm great, leave.

-Oh, okay, have a good night then.

I watched her leave, with tears wanting to come out of her eyes, I couldn't do anything about it, I just stood the looking at her opening the door of my room and walking away. I was doing the right thing, we would never work out.

-What did you do?- Barrett enters my room as I was almost falling asleep from crying- Oh you're crying too.

-Let me sleep.

-You're not doing that- Sat close to my legs and I look at her- What did you do?

-Why does it have to be my fault? I did nothing.

-If you didn't she would not be crying.

I rolled my eyes crossing my arms.

-She didn't need to be here.

-Wait did you told her that?

-I might have.

-You're kidding right? What's wrong with you?

-With me? Oh let me think, I was engaged three months ago to a monster, who use to hit me till I was unconscious now I'm in a different country, having sex with a famous woman who thinks she's my girlfriend who can control me and wait for me in my own apartment.

-What are you talking about? Control you? Honey...I feel like you spent so many years in David's hands that you completely forgot how it felt to be really wanted, to have someone caring about your well being...She was here because she was worried and I told her to stay.

-I don't need no one to worry about me.

-Except that you do, we're the one worried because you just don't give a fuck about yourself! You need to realize that, work on you and allow people to help and be there for you.

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