Chapter 22

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We laughed a lot, we sang, we danced, we all needed that time together. While me and Danielle weren't talking I found the thought of them still doing these nights, comforting, at least she was okay. But then they said they didn't do it, it was not fair to me, it was our thing. That made my heart warm, I felt important for a second. As me and Danielle, besides having fun for the first time in a while, we had sex, a lot of it. We'd sneak out during conversations, when they'd prepare drinks, we seemed like two teenage girls. When we finally got inside the house to watch a movie all together all I could think about was

Tomorrow I'll be standing in front of a heartless wall that does not look in my eyes.

I didn't slept when the others did, I saw everyone slowly calm their breaths, until finally falling asleep. I watched her as she fought her sleepy eyes until they were totally closed. I put her closer to my chest and left a kiss on her cheek. There I stayed for god knows how long, traveling my fingers trough her face, her hair. Until I finally slept.


We ended up all falling asleep on the living room and didn't went to bed. Awake was me, Jaina, and Caterina, preparing breakfast for the sleepyheads. They put music, not too loud so we couldn't wake them.

-Did you talk?

-Of course they did! You did right?- Caterina says and I laugh.

-We did, but I didn't tell her.

-Tell her what?- I look straight to the brunette who quickly looked away- What am I missing?


-Oh don't say that, are you like...Secretly married or something?

I laugh out loud, taking my hand to my mouth afraid I did too much noise. I think I laughed out of nerves, I wasn't married, but was engaged three months ago, and ran away. I wasn't sure of how to say that.

-No, she's not- Cat says and I nod agreeing.

-I'm not, in the right time you'll know okay?

-Sure. But you talked that's what matters.

-I like her- I say after some time, in between the silence of the change of music, they both stopped what they were doing to look at me, I turn to the counter to proceed what I was doing.

-Did you really said that?

-I tried not to, I did, because she's so...Great, she's amazing, and I'm not, and I'm afraid I won't give her what she wants, so I tried to push her away, I tried not to like her. But she's so hard not to like, not to admire.

-So what now?

-I don't know- I turn to them- The only thing I do know is that if I lose her I'd be a complete idiot- Jaina comes to hug me.

-Leave now or don't fucking break my best friend's heart- I laugh, shaking my head.

-Why did I just woke up and already saw you threatening Danielle?- We heard the brunette and turn to the door.

-Morning- She says smiling and I go do our coffee.


-Jaina can you come with me to pick some plates for breakfast?

-Oh but...

-Let's go!- I giggle hearing them, when I turn she's putting everything separated.

I smile slowly approaching and hugging her from behind.

-Morning...- I whispered in her ear, she shivers, I felt it.


I make her look at me resting my hands on the counter and encuralating her body. She smiles looking right into my eyes, taking one hand to my face, it looked like she was appreciating me, and I blush.

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