Chapter 36

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-It's frustrating Jaina- I sit back on my chair, letting out a sight.

-I know but it's what she wants for her life. She doesn't want kids.

-Maybe she'll change her mind.

-Why do you want her to want to have kids so bad? You're so busy you could never raise one.

I look at my best friend for a moment. My daughter was in her room, as always when someone came over. I thought twice before standing up once again.

-Stay here- I let go on a sight before getting out of my office.

It was my first day off, I thought I would have peace, instead here I was having Claire to finally meet my best friend.

-Claire?- I knock on the door, and waited for her response before opening it.

-Is she gone?

-No...No- I sit on her bed quietly, she turns around in her chair to look at me- I think it's time.

-Are you sure?

-I think so.

-Are you ready for that?

-Don't make hard questions- She giggles coming closer.


-I have to do this, it's been too long.


-Let's go.

I hold her hand, we walk in silent in direction to the office. Jaina switches her eyes multiple times between us and doesn't say a word.

-Claire this is Jaina, my best friend.


-Jaina this is Claire...My daughter.

-Your what?

-I will explain everything to you.

She nods, and directs her look to the younger one. She pulls in for a hug.

-You look just like your mother...

-I've heard a lot about you.

-Well I didn't know about your existence so...

We all laugh, and made our way to the living room where we sat to talk, they got along well, it was great seeing that.

-I need to go meet my friend. It was nice meeting you.

-It was nice meeting you too.

After saying goodbye to my daughter I come back, avoiding my best friend's look.



-How old is she?

-Seventeen almost eighteen.


-I really don't want to talk about it.

-Okay then...No one knows?

-Thomas and Red, because they were with me all the way trough the pregnancy.

-Why are you telling me this now?

-I can't hide it anymore, I want a future with Danielle. For that to work I cant have secrets, I can't hide from her that I have a daughter.

-Okay...Are you nervous?

-A little, si, I still don't know how I'm going to tell her.

-She'll understand.

-She doesn't want kids Jaina, I'm freaking out, it's been a week since we had that conversation and it's been so weird every time we have time together. Because I know she's going to leave me as soon as she finds out about Claire.

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