Chapter 35

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-You look mad- Barrett says as I put some clothes on my bag- Do you want to talk?

-No- We get silent- Yes?

-Spill it out.

-It's Stefania. She's...Hiding something.

-Why do you think that?

-I was seven years with David, I know.


-No, I don't need you to make excuses or give me a lecture.

-What if...


-Just talk to her about it.

-I will, I'm just a little mad, we'll be fine.

-And don't walk away- She interrupts me- You like her, you do things right, or I'll kill you.

-Right. You'll be fine here alone?

-Of course, promise you'll talk to her?


-Okay- Kisses my forehead- I love you baby.

-I love you more.

It was past midnight when Thomas drove me to Stefania's place and went away. I put my bag on the hallway closet and got upstairs to the room. She was awake, just getting out of the shower. She didn't talk, just stood there looking at me.

-I've got everything I needed, it's downstairs- I looked down at my feet.

-In the pantry? Could have put your clothes on this closet- Says taking the towel off her hair.

-I'm not moving in, I'm only here for a week, that's the agreement.

I regret how the words come out quickly as I see her sad face.


-No problem.

She sits on her chair, and proceeds having her daily care on her hair.

-I've been trough this before you know- I look down at my hands.

-Trough what?

-The lies, the hiding things, all of it, and I just know you're hiding something. If you have someone...

-What? Bambina, after everything I told you, do you really think I have another person?


-I am completely in love with you- She holds my hand- Get that inside your head, I'm not hiding anything.


-Do you believe me?

-Yes, I guess.

-What's that supposed to mean?

-Nothing, I trust you.

-Okay. Do you wanna go to sleep?- She stands up, I do the same.

-You sleep, I'm just going to smoke and I'll be right back.

-I'll go with you. Let me just get my robe.

-Sure- I search for my bag, taking off a pack of cigarettes- Aren't you supposed to be asleep already?

-Couldn't sleep until you get home. We'll barely have time to be together these next couple weeks, I just want to enjoy these moments.

-You know I work at the same company as you right?

-I know, but I wont come over to your office as frequently as I did. I'll be out most of the time because these reunions are not in my company.

-Okay sure but I'll ask Jaina to tell me when you get to your office. I will run to you right in that second.

She laughs, hugs me from behind and kisses my neck.

-Will you be my girlfriend?

I think my heart stopped as I heard those words, I didn't move or said a single word, I was taking it all in. Until she turned me to her, holds my face gently with her hands.

-I know this is probably not the best time, we just got out of a little argument and I won't be as present as I usually am these next days, but I like you, a lot in fact.

-Yes- I smile.

-Yes? I can plan a romantic thing and ask again if you want.

-No- I laugh- That won't be necessary- I slowly but our lips together- This is perfect, just us.

-I didn't planned...It just came out, I mean I'm so in love with you it's crazy...I can't continue with this doubt because we're always together but we're not official so...

-We are official now- I smile, you don't have to be doubting anymore- I'm sorry if somehow I put pressure on you for not knowing a lot about you, take your time, I'll be here anyways.

She hugs me by the waist and smiles, I smile back, looking a her.

-We should have celebration sex, but I'm too tired.

-It's okay baby, we can cuddle.

-Seems like a plan.

-What time are you planning on getting up?

-Five- She sights holding my hand as we were getting upstairs- You?

-Eight. So that I can use your gym and be at the company by ten.

-Okay sure, I won't be there at that time.

-Has Jess talked to you?- I say as we lay in bed.

-About what?

-Ok then she didn't, Caterina talked to me but I don't...

-Is it about the baby?


-I hope it works, it's their dream.

-Yeah, I'll be the cool aunt.

-You already have that nickname with Madeleine- Giggles.

-Right? It will be my nickname, I'm the cool gay aunt, I'm missing the rich part.

She bursts out laughing.

-And a mom?

-Me? No.


-I don't want kids, I don't like kids, I wouldn't be a decent mother.

-I think you would.


-So you don't want to have kids.

-Do you?

-Let's sleep- Turns her back to me, I get quiet for a while until I lay as much close as I can to her, putting one hand on her waist.


-What?- Whispers.

-Do you want to have kids?

-It doesn't matter.

-Of course it does.

-It doesn't, anymore.

-We can talk about it in the future, I can't promise I will change my mind.


-Turn to me, come here- She takes a while, but finally turns, laying her head on my chest sighing.

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