Chapter 46

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Danielle got home fifteen minutes after finishing work, while enjoying her best friend's company, they both prepared dinner.

-So now he wants to know if I want to go to that bar tonight- Vic says looking at her phone.

-And you're going right?- Asked while pouring some more wine on their cups.

-Should I?

-He's totally into you.

-That I know.

-Go, have fun, you guys been going out for a month, come on- Turns around to start on the salad.

-You're right.

-Oh there's no tomatoes?

Vic looks on the pantry, coming back with empty hands.

-I'll go buy them really quick- Says and the blonde shakes her head.

-Nope, you're going to have a shower and answer that god damn message from that man saying you're going.

-Okay okay, I love you.

-I love you more- Blows out a kiss and grabs her phone and keys.

As the blonde got to car she was ready to open the door when a car stops by her side.

-Stefania?- Says as the italian appears with a bouquet of flowers.


-Weren't you out?

-I just arrived, where are you going?

-I need to go to the grocery store before it closes, what are you doing here?

-Just thought about giving these- Handles her the flowers and Danielle smiles- To my girlfriend that I haven't been able to spend time with.

-Thank you baby. I miss you.

-Me too bambina, are you free tomorrow?

-Besides work, yes.

-Wanna go out for dinner?- Hold's Danielle hand gently and slowly.

Danielle tried to appear normal within the circumstances, within her girlfriend's touch. It's been two weeks, two weeks since they last spoke in person, since they last had some fisical interaction. Only facetiming and messages could fill the void between them, Stefania was out all the time, city to city, country to country. They couldn't deny how that interfered in their relationship, but they wouldn't say anything. But feeling her girlfriend's touch felt hysterical on her body, she could jump into her arms in that moment.

-Are you back?- Whispers.

Stefania's heart aching from the pain in those words.

-I'm getting a week off, after that I'll be working here until something comes up.

-I would love that dinner.

They both smile, Stefania gets closer, their distance getting smaller, they were hungry for each other. The blonde kisses her.

-I have to go- She says- I need to get dinner done, Vic is going out, I might go too.

-Okay, sure, we'll talk later?

-Yes, thank you for the flowers.

-It's nothing, I love you.

-I love you too, I'm happy you're back.

Danielle sights, looking one last time at her girlfriend before getting into the car. They knew this was just a moment, the weirdness in it wouldn't last, the time apart wouldn't break them. But they sure did feel the tension.

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