Chapter 19

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She was there, Danielle was right in front of me, looking right into my eyes and walked away. And she looked amazing doing it, her dress, her makeup, even her ponytail looked perfect.
She couldn't do that, she shouldn't have that power over me, we weren't anything so why was I worried about her well-being after she just broke me without even carrying about it.
I walked trough the hallway of my house in silence, just like every time for the past week.

-Miss Spampinato?

-Hi Red- I enter the kitchen, leaning on the counter watching her cook- Shouldn't you be at home already?

-I just thought you could want some company, so I decided to make some food for tomorrow and stay late.

-Okay just don't go home too late, ask Thomas to drive you home.

-You know I know you right?- Says after sometime in complete silence.


-I've known you for a long time, you've grown to be a very successful woman, I'm proud of that.

I smile eating one of her cupcakes.

-But I've never seen you like this.

-I'm okay.

-No you're not, I have to say I miss the times you'd come to me for advice- Giggles turning to the stove- Now I have to watch your attitude and look in your eyes to think of something that can be happening to you. Danielle, is that it?

I look away, avoiding the motherly look of hers.

-Do you like her?

-I can't.

-That's not the question.

-Red I...

-What did she do?

-She pushed me away, I've came to the conclusion that that's a pattern. We get along well, we spend the night together, the next day she's weird and ignores me for days.

-She seems like an amazing woman.

-She is.

-Maybe something happened with her, maybe she's just scared.

-But I'm not hurting her, am I?

She turns to me, with a comprehensive smile, sat by my side.

-I don't think you are, I think she's just not used to that.

-To what?

-Someone not hurting her, so she pushes you away before you can do that.

-But I won't.

-I know, she doesn't, but she will, give her time to think it trough.

I nod standing up- I'm going to take a shower okay?


-Will you have dinner with me? Like old times.

-Sure- Smiles.

-Tell Thomas to come too, I think I need some time with you too.

-I will.

I had grown with no parents by my side, after my dad sent me here I never had a person to call mom, or a man to call dad. But I had my parental figures, Red and Thomas, they were with me trough it all. I guess that as the years come and go I stayed more quiet about my life, because back then I would run to them if anything was wrong. Not now, now I just shut my feelings in and somehow discount them at work.
It was a late friday night and I was again, like I've been all week, working and sending emails when I heard the doorbell and right after that the security calling.


-Miss Spampinato Barrett is at the door.

-Oh okay thank you.

I got up, grabbing my phone and walked out of the office.


-Come in- I let her in, and then closed the door- How are you?

-I'm okay, I just came to see how you were doing.

-Does she know you're here?

-No, she was leaving to go to the gym when I left. But how are you?

We make our way to the kitchen and she sats on the counter.

-I see that I can't lie to you.

-You can't and you won't.

-Right, I'm terrible. Want some coffee?- She laughs nodding.

-Look I know we haven't talked after you left the apartment, I went to talk to her right away. But I'm here...You can talk to me, it's weird I know because I'm her best friend but I'm always telling her the truth, she wasn't right for what she said.

-I can't do anything about it okay?

-Only she can, but she's self destructive Stefania, she doesn't see anything but pain and you make her see the good things, she's scared.

-I get it, I do, but that does not give her the right to talk to me like that, she could've just told me to get out of her life and that would hurt, but not the way her words did.

-Sure, I know honey. I just want you to be okay, and to know that it's not you, you did nothing wrong.

I sighed trying to suck up the tears trying to come out.

-Hey...Don't cry, come here- Goes around the counter and hugs me.

-This is terrible, here I am crying to the best friend of the woman who broke me in pieces. You don't even know me that well. You should be with her.

-She doesn't want anything to do with anyone. She's either working, or locked in her room, or working out, we haven't really talked.

-Is she really that bad? I saw her today- We walked to the outside of the house, sitting on the sofa.

-She might not seem like it, but she is, but you...

-I'm terrible, and I look like it.

-You're not that bad- Smiles- Do you...Like her?

I silence myself, looking at the sky- She's amazing, in every way.

-I'm not asking any more questions. Girl's night tomorrow at Jess's house.

-Thank you but I'm not going.

-You are, and she will too, and then you two can talk.

-There's nothing to talk about. She told me I wasn't her girlfriend and that I could leave, she does not need me.

-Don't let this die...Please, she's another person when you're around, she's the woman I was friends with years ago.

I was hurt, yes, because everything with Danielle was hard and it shouldn't be that way, we spent a happy weekend together, it should not have ended with her not talking to me for days, ignoring my messages, my calls, locking herself in her office. But I could see the look in Barrett's face, maybe we could talk, maybe somehow we could be friends and I could understand why she pushes me away.

-I'll think about it, happy?

-Happy, call me if you need anything okay?

-Yes, and thank you for coming.

-No problem.

She goes away, letting me and my thoughts alone.

I can't let you go, Danielle.

I sighed standing up and going straight to the bathroom, this was going to be another long night.

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