Chapter 45

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It was late at night when Stefania called Danielle for the tenth time since the blonde left the company, she didn't show up at the charity nor returned to the company.
And while the italian tried every possible way to find Danielle she just couldn't.
Danielle could try and tell herself to not be affected by Alicia's words, but she did get affected. And she wasn't going to deny it.
Stefania decided to give it one more try and searched for the blonde's number and called it.

-Hey babe- As Danielle heard that voice she cried- Bambina?

-Hi my love.

-I have been calling you all afternoon, where are you?

She looks around, taking a deep breath.

-At a park.

-Alone at eleven pm? Are you crazy?

-I just got here, it's close to my apartment.

-Where have you been all day?

-Around the city, at the gym.

-I got worried.

-I'm heading home now, don't worry.

-Are you okay?

Danielle stayed in silence for a while.

-I'm not okay uhm...I'm sorry I'm not.

-Is it about what happened today?

-I have to go.

The blonde hangs up, and makes it home, just to see her girlfriend standing outside the door of the apartment.

She wipes her tears and says in a rush- Go home.

Opens the door without looking at her, but Stefania stops her from trying to close it before she enters.

-Go away.

-Not going anywhere.


-I've been waiting for you to come home for the past two hours.

-You could've gone home.

-Can you not talk to me like that?

-Like what?

-Like you're mad at me.

They stayed in silent, Danielle makes her way to the kitchen and the other follows.

-I know what happened- She said and Danielle looked at her.


-Besides the fact that Alicia is going around the company saying you slapped her, Jaina was in the bathroom and she heard everything.

-I thought you too were going to have lunch.

-And we went- Giggles.

-That's not funny.

-Stop that bambina, it is. She was so mad going around the company with your hand marked on her face...

The blonde couldn't help but laugh at that.

-What you said, was a good answer and she deserved every single word, and the slap bambina? What was that?

-Look I don't wanna talk about this right now. And if you came here just for that, you can go.

-You're kicking me out?

-I am, if you're going to argue with me, yes.

-Bambina- Leaned on the table holding Danielle's hand- I am not arguing, you did nothing bad, tell me what she said.

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