Chapter 14

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-Okay, wanna talk about life?- I said coming to the living room, placed two glasses on the table and she giggles.

-This is the best way to get drunk.


-Do you miss home?

-Italy? In a way yes, in the other...- I stayed looking at her- No.


-Italy is beautiful, but it was never a happy place to me.


-Yes- I smiled.

-I can relate to that- Drank her wine making me laugh.

-But i miss the beauty of Catania.


-Si, where I grew up. It's amazing, you should go there.

-I would love to meet the place where you grew up- I smiled.

-I haven't gone there since I came to the US, I will have to if I sign the other contract, you could come.


-We should go on vacation there, with the girls if you want.

-You talking about vacations?

Rolled my eyes.

-Where are you going?

-Put music, do you wanna dance?


She starts dancing and I smile watching her.

-Come on!

-I have no moves.

-You don't? Let me put some classic music- I laugh- Let's go.


-Did you know i'm a professional dancer?

-You are?

-Yes- Slowly puts one hand on my waist and hold my hand- It envolves a big part of my life.

-When did you start?

-At six.

-Do you do all types of dance?

-Most of them yes.

-That's amazing.

-And you are not a bad dancer either- Smiled- You can do the basic, ready to go to a formal event.

I smiled resting my head on her shoulder.

-Are you okay bambina?- She whispered after a while and I looked at her.

-I'm great, you?

-I'm fine. Let's rest a little.

-You graduated in what?

-I graduated in business administration and management.

-Why didn't you follow arts?

-I wanted to, but I wanted to make my dad proud, even tho he hated me for loving girls- Smiled looking at her hands- But I liked administration too, I always did, so why not, at least I proceeded with dancing.

-So your dad is...

-I don't care, I did, but nowadays...I'm a grown woman, I have a big business, I'm a model and let's just be real, I'm rich, I do not miss him, but I do feel bad for my mom, in a way she lost her daughter the day I left.

-I totally get it, I feel the same way, not the model and rich part- We both laughed- But until months ago I was still trying to get my dad's approval.

-You're young Danielle, you have so much in front of you, you can go far, no need to be attached on the past.

-You talk like you're fifty- Giggled.

-I'm thirty...Something- She laughs drinking her wine and I found myself watching her closely.

-I know- Smiled- That's not old at all.

After a while my phone starts ringing, it was an incoming facetime from my sister.


-Oh hi! You seem happy- Giggles and I rolled my eyes.

-Well thank you, haven't heard that in a while. How are you?

-I'm great, just wanted to check on you.

-I'm okay Stephanie, is Madeleine still mad?

-She's not mad Dani, you know that, but I guess she's just disappointed.

-I get it.

-How would you feel if your godmother just left to another city to start a new life that clearly does not include her?

-It's not like that and you know it's not, I'm settling in, adjusting, when I feel prepared I will come back.

Stefania looks at me raising her eyebrow.

-Try to come.

-I will try, I can't promise anything so don't tell her. Good night.

-Enjoy your night honey- Says hanging up and I laughed.

-When you're prepared you're going to come back?


-But like...Forever?- I smiled kissing her.

-No, not in a million years I would move back to new york.

-Why does she want you to come?

-It's my niece's birthday, soon.

-And you're also her godmother?


-Look I don't know what made you come here and what's stopping you from going back there- Starts playing with my hair- But you should go.

-Do you think so?

-Yes- Smiled.

-How did the reunion went?

-The one about Italy?- I nod- Terrible.

-What? Why?

-He wanted to fuck me, not sell his part.

I laughed sitting closer to her.

-So you didn't close the deal?

-I told him that if he thought he could get a better deal, he couldn't, if he thought he could get me on his bed then he was wrong.

-Oh my god Stefania!- We both laughed.

-And then he tried to sell it and I just left.


-I'm tired of these men, they just get everything they want mainly because they're rich, and probably their dad ran the company before. They didn't have to work, they don't know what it's like to work from seven am to late night, get home and still work and here I am getting out of bed at five am because I have to prove everyday I'm capable of running my own company as an immigrant woman you know? It pisses me off.

I sighed holding her hand and she looked at me.

-You're doing a great work, you might have to slow down a little tho- Giggled and she smiles- Because you run an amazing company okay? You don't have to prove it even more. And I get that it's hard to be in a circle surrounded mainly by men, but you do have to give yourself some credit, you're more successful than a lot of them and you did it all by yourself.

She smiles kissing me.

-What about the other reunions?

-They went well. Want more wine?- Says in the sexiest way possible holding the bottle- Danielle?- Smiles.

-Yes, yes I want.

-Were you thinking about something?

-You're hot.

-Yeah? What do you think about taking this bottle of wine to my room?- Whispered in my ear.

-I think that that is a great idea.

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