Chapter 6

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The rest of the day was pretty much just interviews, Stefania was the type of exigent boss, she always made sure everything was perfect and not everyone had what she was searching for. Of course they were passionate about what they do, otherwise they wouldn't even had entered the door of that big building. Every single person knew how she worked, but it wasn't always that they could impress her. The brunette woman had already in mind who she was going to hire, but had to continue, there was a lot of people there for the job.

When she finally said goodbye to the last one, she picked her phone to call Danielle.


-Hi, who is this?

-A total stranger.

-Oh, i could recognize that accent everywhere at any minute.

-So i was calling because...

-Wait, Barrett rang the doorbell- I giggled grabbing my bag and getting out of the office- Ok, tell me.

-Danielle, you got the job.

-Are you serious?

-Yes! I really liked everything you showed me, and the way you talked. I got impressed, that doesn't happen very often you know?

-Oh my...Thank you so much for the opportunity.

-What happened?- I heard Barret's voice faraway.

-I got the job!

-Only shit, congrats D!

-Are you able to start next week? I can give you more time.

-No, the sooner the better.

-Ok then next week it is.

-Thank you so much Stefania.

-Thank you for joining our team.

-Bye- Whispers, as it seemed like she didn't want the call to end.

-Good night.

I got home at almost nine, asking Red if she could make my dinner. Went upstairs to get a warm shower and put on a new pijama, i had received it from Jess for christmas last year, I had never try him before but it looked cute.

-Red is it ready?- I yelled from the stairs as i went through instagram.

-It is Miss Spampinato.

-Thank you so much, it looks really good.

She smiles going to grab a glass of wine and putting it on the table.

-It's a new receipt, Thomas gave it to me, said you use to eat it all the time when you were younger because it reminded you of home.

-That's right- I smiled- Would you like to sit and eat with me?

-I would love to, but my husband is waiting for me, another time perhaps.

-Of course, go home.

-Good night miss Spampinato.

-Good night Red.

That woman has been with me since i finally got my first house, it has been over thirteen years. When i still worked for my ex boss he hired Thomas, so that i wouldn't pay for bus to get to work every day. I would kinda say that he was trying to buy fifteen year old me by offering me things, i didn't saw it that way at the time, he was just a kind man who happened to be my boss. When i finally opened my company and it started to go well Thomas decided to go work for me.
Red has a crush on him, i can be hard on my employees sometimes but i know them, kinda which she would just tell him, because it's been like this for years now, since she got divorced.

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