Chapter 4

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I woke up really tired without even knowing why but received a message from Jessica saying that today we didn't have photo shoots so i relaxed a little and went to sleep again, at ten i went to take a shower and dressed a rope ready to do my breakfast it was the first time in a big while that i had slept so much. I spent the whole afternoon trying to assemble my furniture and the only thing i did was the table and the chairs when i received a message.


"i'm here"

-Here? What the fuck- I said to myself already calling her.


-B where are you?

-At the airport.

-Oh i thought you were here.

-I am, i'm at Los Angels airport.

-What? What time did you took the flight?

-Oh after you hang up i saw a flight for eleven am and bought it- Laughed.

-Barrett oh my god, i didn't actually think you would buy it like that.

-Can you pick me up?

-Yeah let me just dress up.

-Alright, i think i'm going to starbucks can you meet me there?

-No problem.

I was parking my car at the airport when i see Barrett, as soon as she saw me she got in the car.

-You're crazy, you know that right?- I said and we laughed.

Approached to hug me- Oh god why would you live so faraway? This isn't practical you know?

-I know!

-I brought one matcha for you- Smiled.

-Thank you my love, what happened?- I started driving and she takes a deep breath.

-We broke up.


-Ah, funny story, he has been fucking my boss.

-Excuse me what?- Turned off the music.

-I just got into her office and there they were.

-Only shit i'm sorry b..

-Too perfect to be true.

-You'll find someone that really sees you and your value, i promise you.

-Thank you, i don't wanna talk about it, just being with you and hanging out will be great.

-We'll do that- I smiled- But we have furniture to assemble cause i haven't done any of that yet.

-It wouldn't be you if you did- Laughed.

My phone started ringing and i answered it on the screen of the car.

-Hi Stef.

-Hey what are you doing?

-I went to pick my best friend at the airport.

-Oh alright.

-Do you need something?

-I was just bored- Laughed- I wanted to do something.

-We're just going to assemble the furniture for my place, if you want...

-Well why not, i'll be there in thirty.

-Should i invite Caterina and Jessica? We should do a girls night.

-Do it, want me to call Jessica to be easier?

-Yeah thank you, bring your things to sleep.

-Doing that right now, bye.

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