Chapter 10

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I love what I do, it's my passion and exactly what I worked so hard for. This company was a dream come true, but starting after kissing the owner wasn't exactly how I planned my first day. I had already one book to idealize and everything I could think of was Stefania, she was stuck in my head.
By the way the author gave me instructions I was able to do some drafts, it was almost six when I got up to grab my things and come home.

-Danielle- Jaina smiled, she was coming out of Stefania's office.

-Hi! I was just leaving.

-How was the first day?

-Complicated- I looked at the door.

-Hm, problems in paradise?

-Paradise?- I saw her face and understood perfectly what she meant- Is it that obvious?

-That you're thinking about her? To me yes.

-Well I'm going home.

-Danielle- I turn to look at her- Do you like her?- Smiles.

-No! No, stop that right now!- I giggled blushing right away.

-Are you...Interested?

-I'm not answering that.

-Alright alright, go home and rest, you look like you've been run over by a truck.

-Oh thank you very much for that, I didn't knew.

-Sorry, bye.

-Tell her goodbye for me please, can't look at her.

-I will.

-Bye- Smiled getting in the elevator.

The next day was a little better, I didn't get out of the office, I guess I was just too excited to be here. A lot of work was done earlier than I expected so I got the courage to go talk to Stefania.

-Come in- She yells and I entered closing the door.


-Danielle- Smiled- Sit.

-How are you?

-Great, you?


-How was your first day? We didn't talk.

-It was okay, I guess I was really nervous.

-That's normal, did you meet people?

-Jaina got me to meet Alicia and Mike.

-I feel like a really bad person but I have no idea who those people are- We both laughed- Came here to say something?

-About the office, Jaina told me yesterday I could ask for some things to put there?

-Oh yeah right, of course you just need to give me the receipt.

-Alright I'll do that. Is it something you usually do?

-Let people buy things to their office? No, but you're different.

I smiled looking at her as she got up to sit next to my chair on her desk. Crosses her arms looking at me, I could feel my whole body shivering just by how she stood next to me.

-I should go now- Stood up, and she holds my hand.

-You're leaving?

-Finished for today.

-That's great. We haven't really talked.

-I know.

-I was going to send you a message yesterday to ask you how the first day was after we talked. But I found it a little weird...

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