Chapter 32

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Being back at the company felt good, being back at work felt good. Even tho I already missed being with Stefania. I had just finished a photoshoot with Jessica and as I walked into the building I see Jaina smiling at me.

-Hi there!- She says hugging me.


-So...One week uh?

-Okay what do you want to know?- I lean on the counter as she sits back on her chair.

-I already know everything. Well not the dirty parts, but I only have one question.

-Ask me.

-I've asked you this before.

-Just go for it.

-Do you like her?

-I guess you can say that- I smiled.

-Yes! I'm so happy for you two.

-Is there something for me?

-I don't think so, you can go.

-Okay, bye.

-Bye Savre.

I walk into my office and stand there for at least a minute. There was a giant bouquet on my desk.

-It's from Stefania- Jay stops by my side, I look at him- I heard her talking with Jaina, I get that you two are keeping it a secret. My mouth is closed.

-Thank you, they're beautiful...How did she know my favorite flowers?- I close my door after letting him in.

-Well that I don't know.

-Is she here yet?

-I think she's almost done with a reunion.

-Okay. How are you Jay? I think it's time for you to give me your number don't you think?

-Give me your phone- I nod taking it off my pocket.

-I need to get work done, since I was gone for a week. I have to go, we'll talk later.

-Sure, bye Jay.

I sit in my chair, I missed this view, and the peace it gave me. I light up a candle and turned on my computer. Grabbed my Ipad from my bag to start reading my emails. I continuously look at the flowers and smile like an idiot. It had been two hours, when I hear a knock on the door.

-Who is it?

I see her beautiful face getting in the little space between the door and the wall, I smile resting my back on the chair.


-Hi honey.

-Are you busy? Can I come in?

-Sure- I stand up to kiss her- You didn't need to bring me flowers...

-Well, there's a reason for that.

-Tell me.

-It's an apology bouquet.

-Oh god what did you do?

My mind could think of all the bad things that could've happened, my heart aches with the possibility of her kissing someone else, aching even more when I remember we aren't really together.

-You know the next couple weeks until christmas will be hard, busy.

-I know- I let out a sigh.

-I'll be out of the country for a week, so this is an apology bouquet because I'll be busy most of the days here, and when traveling to the other countries.

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