Chapter 40

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-I know you hate me.

-What?- I turn to her, who was clearly nervous.

-This is not what you wanted, I came to ruin everything you planned with my mom.

-Claire- I smiled- I had a conversation with Stefania and everything is fine, I love your mom, and it's true, it's not what I planned, but I kinda like you kiddo- I leave a kiss on her forehead, she smiles resting her head on my shoulder.

It was ten in the morning when I woke up for the second time, by my side was Claire, who woke up early and we decided to watch something on netflix.
I stand up, covering the young girl with a blanket before going into the kitchen.
I was determined to do our breakfast, pancakes, it can't be that hard.

That was what I thought before burning the first five ones.

But then everything went fine, I did it, I cut some strawberries, bananas, almost every fruit I could find and prepared our coffee.

-Hey Claire?- I whisper.


-I made us breakfast.

She looked at me for a breef second before smiling, I didn't know what it meant but she was happy.

-Where's mom?

-I think she's still asleep, I'll wake her.

-Okay, outside?

-Of course.

-Hey- Says before I start going upstairs.


-Mom will love this.

-I agree.

When I opened the door of her room she wasn't in bed, neither in the shower, but in the closet dressing up.

-Hi- I smile.


-What?- I raise my eyebrow as I see her taking a deep breath.

-I thought you left.

-Leave?- I get closer- I made us breakfast, and I promise it's good.

She smiles kissing me.

-So Claire is not home?

-She's waiting for us.

-She is?

-Let's do this right- I whisper, she holds my hands smiling.


Claire left to go meet some friends from high school since tomorrow was her last day in LA before going back. We had a great breakfast, laughing, smiling, it felt like a dream, every time I looked at my girlfriend I was mentally thanking her for trying to have a good relationship with my daughter, and for forgiving me.
I took a time to work on some emails while Danielle was working out and when she was back we decided to go for a walk.

-Who knows about her?

-Red, Thomas, Jaina and you.

-Jaina? She has always known?

-No, I told her because I felt like it was one step closer to tell you. And because she is my best friend and it was time.

-She's a great kid, you raised her well.

-I was not really present, I got lucky she didn't grew up hating me for not putting the effort.

-She loves you- She sits on a bench.

-This morning was special, thank you.

-I'm doing this for us.

-I know, I love you- Whispered getting closer to her who smiled moving away.


-We've had this conversation before.

-Okay then- Moves her hand to my cheek, and kisses me.


-Oh god what is it?

-There's a party...Well not a party it's an event. I do it every year before Christmas, it's like a charity event, I invite loads of important people.

-I heard it last week, they were all talking about it and what they're going to dress- We both laugh.

-Everyone in the company is invited, are you going?

-I don't know, I've been there for a while now but it's hard for me to fit in, there isn't a lot of people I talk to.

-You can bring Barrett if you want, Caterina and Jessica will be there. I would love to have my girlfriend there.

She smiles looking at the ground.



-Only if you help me pick my outfit.

-Will you help me pick mine?

-Sure- Blinks and we smile- Paparazzi.

-I see them.

We weren't in a hiding spot, we were sitting on a bench in the streets of LA full of people, of course someone would recognize us, and sooner or later we'd have to say something.

-Have you thought about telling our friends about Claire?

-Sure, she needs a normal life, I mean she has it while she's away, but I know she wants a mother, she wants to tell others about me, she wants to know how my life is going, meet my friends.

-I understand...Is she spending Christmas with you?

-No, she'll be out of the city by tomorrow, so for now I'll just have to wait- I smile- Dinner tonight?

-I know you're happy I'm here, and I'm getting along with your daughter but...

-No, the two of us, it can even be at your house. We need some us time. Besides, she's having dinner with her friends.

-Okay, sushi?


-Let's go home, we have work. I miss work.

-Of course you do- I giggle standing up.

-But I did work this past days okay? I just miss my office.

-What an amazing employee you are!

-Admit it, you miss seeing my face at work everyday.

-Oh yeah, I can't even lie, and watch your outfit everyday from a far- I turn to her kissing her lips.

-You do?

-Of course, you look amazing in all of them.

I stay quiet even do I'm completely melted inside, I hold her hand tight and leave a kiss on her shoulder.

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