Chapter 12

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We spent the whole night laughing, playing games, watched movies and had a lot of fun, it was almost four in the morning when me and Barrett got up realizing the girls were asleep. Jessica and Caterina were on the sofa, the same for Stefania by my side in another sofa, Barrett and Jaina decided to stay on the floor i put the italian in a comfortable position, even thought about waking her but she was too cute. Me and Barrett made our ways to our bedrooms and I went to get a shower.  As i was getting out of the bathroom with just a rope, I see Stef entering.

-Oh fuck- I put my towel up.

-Hi-Smiled and I do the same taking the towel off my hair.

-I'm sorry I left you alone on the sofa. You were too cute to wake up.

-I heard you two going to your rooms, when i came here you were in the shower so i got out- Sat in bed.

-Are you going to sleep here? Or going home?- Whispered, standing between her legs and kissed her.

-I'm staying- Whispers in my ear making me smile.

-Let me put some clothes on- Giggled, picking something to wear and making my way to the bathroom again, after some time I got out seeing her already laying in bed- I have to go to the kitchen to get water, do you want something?

-No, thank you- Smiled.

-Is that my sweater?

-Yes- Smiled- And your shorts.

-It suits you well- Blinked getting out of the room.

After i grabbed a glass of water and made sure the girls were alright, i went to my bedroom, layed hugging her and resting my head on her chest.

-Good night bambina- Whispered playing with my hair.


The night went well, I didn't woke up once which is a win, smelled something outside my room, when I looked to the other side of the bed she wasn't there so I quickly went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

-Morning- I say as I saw Barrett, Jess, and Caterina sat on the sofa.

-Hey girl.

-How did you guys sleep?

-Really well, same can be said about you- They all smiled and I rolled my eyes.

-Where is Jaina?

-Sleeping- B said without looking at me.

-Oh so she slept in your room?

-Yeah- Whispers making us all laughed.

-Stef? Where is Stef?

-Haven't seen her today but it smells good so I think you know where she's at.

-I'll be right back.

-Merda, faccio solo merda- I heard Stefania, i didn't know what she was saying but she seemed pissed off, so pissed off that she didn't heard me coming until I hug her from behind.

-Good morning- I said and she turns to look at me smiling.

-Did i wake you up?

-Of course not, what happened?

-Oh i just burned a toast- Laughed.

-It's okay- I whispered leaving a kiss on her cheek.

-Buongiorno, bella, I'm sorry, I have a meeting tomorrow, I'll have to fly today and I'm nervous.

-Have you ever been this nervous for a meeting?

-I have, the first time I went into a meeting! I hate being like this- Rolls her eyes.

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