Chapter 31

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-Don't hurt her- She says it so quickly I have to stop to look at her.


-My godmother? She has been trough enough, I just want to see her with someone who sees her for who she is and understands her.

-Don't worry. I really like her.

-You better do.

I laugh kissing her forehead before proceeding cooking.

-I feel incredibly great knowing Danielle has you as her niece, you're young, but you've seen enough to know she deserves better.

-I saw a lot, you know? Between her and Da...- She stops, looking at me with regret.

-I know about him.

-Oh great. I saw a lot, I saw so much that I don't think she knows.

-She would never let you experience any of it.

-I know, that's why I think she doesn't know, I would hear things, I would see things. She thought I didn't, I can't blame her.


-Maybe I shouldn't talk about this with you.

-Have you talked to anyone?


-Sit here- I say getting a chair by my side- You can talk to me.

-I saw him beating her, multiple times, I saw her crying once, she always put on a brave face. I heard him yelling a lot, he yelled at me.

-Are you serious?

-Yes. It was the first time I ever saw him like that, she went out to buy something and he just turned furious, I didn't understand.

-Honey, I'm sorry you had to experience that, he's an asshole.

-He is.

-Have you thought about telling her?

-No, absolutely not. She'd just feel more bad, I know she already feels guilty.

-I'm glad you told me.

Madeleine helped me deciding what to do for our lunch, she just stood there helping me in any way she could.


-We need to hurry- Stephanie says.

-Where are you two going?

-Madeleine has a date.

-You told her?- The younger one blushed and nod.

I was not understanding anything but they all looked happy.

-Babe Madeleine has a girlfriend.

-Oh do you? That's great. Are you happy?

-I am very happy.

-Happy for you- We all got up- So, your present now.

-Her present?- The two blondes said at the same time and I giggled.

-Let's go.

We entered the elevator, and we go down, quiet.


-What is it?- I whispered in her ear as we got out of the elevator, she smiles holding my hand.

-You have a drivers license right?

-I do yeah.

-Then happy birthday Madeleine.

It was a car, Stefania bought a car for my goddaughter, I don't know if I wanna get mad at her or kiss her for spending so much money on a girl she just met.

-You're kidding.

-I am not- Giggled.

-Are you really serious?- Stephanie says saying the exact words I was about to say.

-It's yours- Handles her the keys.

-Oh my god!- Hugs the italian who promptly hugged her back smiling at us.

-Go inside, see if you like it, we can change it.

The girl ran to inside of the car, Stephanie went to talk to her and I kiss Stefania.

-I am so mad at you right now.


-Spending this much money on her...You don't know her.

-You do, you're her godmother, you talk about her everyday, I already love her.

-I cannot believe this.

-Then believe it. I also bought some things for the car. Just please don't be mad, it's my money.

-I know it is, that's the problem, you don't need to spend so much with her.

-I wanted to, this is not a problem.

-Okay...Okay, but I'm still mad for what matters.

She laughs kissing me, we are interrupted with the sound of the car.

-Do you like it? I can change.

-Change? No, it's great I love it, thank you so much.

-Go have your date- I whisper into her ear, leaving a kiss on her forehead and she smiles.


-You really bought her a car...

-Honey, this again?

-You're crazy- Giggles.

-I wish I had seen her face- Barrett says, Stefania smiles, I don't say a word.

I haven't said a word to my best friend since she came home after meeting with her ex. We arrived in LA, getting out of the Jet Stefania puts her glasses up to her forehead and looks at me.

-I have to go directly to the company, Thomas is driving you two home okay?- She whispers close to my lips, I nod- You think we'll see each other tomorrow?

-I have a shooting with Jessica in the morning but I'll be at the company by half past two.

-Okay. Bye Barrett.

-Bye Italian.

-Ciao bella- Smiles leaving a peck on my lips before entering her car.

The drive was insanely quiet, I was mad at Barrett, not because she went to see him, well that too. But the fact that she didn't tell me she was going to.

-Can you stop please?

-I don't know, can I?- I open the door of my room.

-Danielle please. I need my best friend right now.

-Yeah well, why have a best friend if you don't think you can just tell me everything.

-You'd kill me for even thinking about meeting up with him.

-I'm mad, let me be mad, bye.

She laughs, making me laugh, Barrett comes closer and hugs me, I try to get out but I give up.

-I'm still mad for what matters, I hope you know that.

-I know.

-Let me take a shower and then you'll tell me everything you two talked about.

-Sure- Smiles

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