Chapter 20

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I had to once again go to Stefania's office, this time to handle her some papers. I came to one simple conclusion after I stepped into my office.

I can't let you go, Stefania.

I quickly grab my phone making a group chat.

D-Should I tell her?


J-What did you do?

B-She broke Stefania's heart, that's what she did

I roll my eyes relaxing on the chair and taking my hands to my face.

D-I did not

J-I don't think you can break her heart

B-Oh but she did, Stefania got out of the apartment crying!

C-Oh boy I've never seen her cry

J-Is this why she hasn't answered my messages and calls?

J-What did you tell her?

D-It doesn't matter

B-It does and you know that

D-Should I tell her about David?

C-If you're thinking about telling her about him to explain yourself then yes

J-But only if you're willing to redeem yourself

D-I think I'm doing that

B-Right now?

D-Can someone please invite her over? Just make sure she goes

J-My house tomorrow at eight okay?


I put my phone aside, doing the work I should have done since I got here but couldn't. I wrote a lot and I even made time to make some drawings.

-Sorry- I say when I ran into someone when I closed the door of my office.

-No problem- Her sweet voice comes out as if it was one of my favorite songs.

Urgh Stefania what I would do to just hold your hand right now.

-Night- I said and quickly walked away.

I got home to change to my workout clothes and grab my bag.


-Hi- I said quickly.

-Going to the gym? Again?

-Yes my love I am- Left a kiss on her cheek.

-Okay, I'm going out.

-Sure, yeah, bye.


The next day had come, I had come to the conclusion that everything I wear is for me but specially for her. I had gotten two dresses the other day, and now I was wearing one.

For her.


-It's worrying that you don't even know how to make pasta.

Jess says as I was putting the pasta on the trash laughing.

-What can I say? Stephanie got the culinary skills.


She came, she is here, I can't look at her right now, it's too much, my heart racing fast as if I had gone on a run.

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