Chapter 3

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-Okay this is great, i think we're done for today- Jess said after finishing seeing the photos- You did a good job Danielle- Applauds and i laughed.

-These are amazing- I get scared when i heard Stefania's voice behind me.

-Thank you.

-Don't thank me. You took those.

-Well the model helps- She smiles.

-I got to get dressed.

-It was nice to see you again- I said and she approaches.

-Wanna go to a restaurant close to here for lunch?

-Actually i...Was going to have lunch with Jess.

-Oh it's okay.

-But i went to this coffee shop yesterday and it was really good, we could go later, what do you think?

-Perfect- Smiles- Ask Jessica to give you my number and send me the address, i'll be there at four.


She slowly walks out of the room and i continued to pack the camera and all the lens in a proper bag.

-Are you ready? Caterina said she's on her way.

-I am, where do you want me to put the equipment?

-Let it here.

-Is this where we're photographing the whole week?- Grabbed my bag.

-Yes, but it's always here.

-Oh that's cool.

-I'll meet you there- She said entering the car and i smile entering mine.

About five minutes later i was parking the car and entering the restaurant, it was really chiq and i was impressed because Caterina was never that type of person, i giggled while sitting in front of them.

-You come to these places now?- I said and she understood right away laughing.

-Oh yeah, see i'm rich now- Puts her hair to her back in a funny way.


-That's a lie, i wouldn't be here if Jessica wasn't paying- They both smile.

-I want an ex like that!

Lunch was great, i got to meet Jessica better, she was an amazing person and i could see why Caterina loved being with her, i also could see how much she still loves her.

-Oh shit- I said looking at my phone.


-I forgot i was meeting with Stefania.

-With Stefania?- They said at the same time.


-Isn't she working?

-I don't know, she invited me to lunch but i was already going with you guys so now we're having coffee.

-Alright...- Caterina said giving a quick look to Jessica-Tell me how it goes.

-What do you mean?

-Nothing- Laughed.

I ran into my car because i was already ten minutes late and there was a fifteen minute ride ahead. As i entered the coffee place i look around, searching for a certain pair of brown eyes. There she was, sitting, frozen in time, looking at the entrance.

-Hi, i'm sorry i'm late- Sat in front of her.

-No problem- Smiled- How was lunch?

-Great, i got to know Jess better and catch up on conversation with an old best friend.

-I'm impressed Jess wasn't with Caterina.

-Oh she was, it's her- We both laughed.

-You're friends with her?

-Since we were little.

-Well that's cool, at least you have someone you trust here.

I nodded- Have you asked for something?- Said seeing the employee coming.

-No, i was waiting for you, what would you recommend?

-I'll ask them, and you'll see if you like- She nodded, biting her lip.

I proceded to ask for us and while the coffee wasn't coming we talked about ourselves.

-So...You were telling me about how you became passionate about design.

-Well it all started some years ago, i was really depressed and your company did an event, i was there and bought so many books i can't even remember how many, that really helped me, and before i read i would try to imagine what that was about just with the cover.

-That's really cool- Smiled.

-What's like to own a company?

-It's headaches everyday every hour- We laughed.

-Poor you, but there's got to be something cool about it.

-The free books!- Says happy and i laughed.

-See, amazing.

-There you go ladies- A man brought us the coffee.

-Thank you, see if you like it.

Silently she grabs the cup, experiments it, and looks at me.


-It's great!

-It is, personally i do the same one at home almost everyday and i like it more, there's just something different about this, but it's good tho.

-I'll have to try yours- Said and i smile.

-Whenever you want- Stared at her- So you have a present accent did you grew up in Italy?

-I was fifteen when i moved here.

-Really? Wow i thought you moved here not too long ago, usually teenagers are easier at learning english.

-Yeah i just didn't put a lot of effort because i like my accent- Smiled.

-I like it too, do you still speak italian?

-Oh always, i'm containing myself to not just start talking here.

I laughed- You don't have to.

The conversation went for hours, until we realized it was already seven and went outside.

-This was nice- Said leaving a kiss on my cheek.

-It was- I smiled.

-I didn't forgot about the coffee.

-Whenever you want, bye.

-Bye- Whispered smiling.

I kept watching her go and getting inside her car and then got in mine. I had a good time with her, we got to know each other and laughed a lot about everything.
Got home and the first thing i did was my dinner, i was starving. While doing it, i decided to call Barrett.

-Well hello!

-Hi! What are you doing?

-I'm going to sleep.

-You, now? What time is it there? Ten?


-Shouldn't you be ready to party?

-I should, but i guess i'll just stay home tonight. You should be here.

-What happened?

-A lot, before i sleep i was going to try and buy tickets to stay at your apartment for some days, can i?

-You don't even have to ask, try flights for tomorrow please.

-Yeah, i love you too b.

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