Chapter 26

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It was already eight at night when we decided to head back home, we had been walking for hours now, I was getting tired, she wasn't at all.

-I think I need to start working out with you.

-Why?- She turns to me.

-You're still energetic, I'm so tired.

-You would not like to workout with me- Grabs my waist.

-Why not? We worked out together once.

-I push myself to the limit, I spent hours at the gym.

-I'd stop to watch you.

She laughs, kissing me.

-Okay so...You're tired, I'll make dinner.


-You'll be there to tell me what to do.

I sat on the counter talking about random things and gave her instructions while she laughed, talking more. A lot. And I loved it. I was happy, I just realized she was my comfortable place.

-That was the first time on a bicycle.

-And you had to go to the hospital.

-Yes- Says and I laugh- I mean that's probably the reason why I never once got on a bicycle after.

-Never again?


-Oh c'mon.

-I swear, I'm just terrified. They aren't my thing and I've grown to accept that fact.

She turns to kiss me.

-We need to go for a ride.

-I refuse to do it.

-No, you're doing it and that's not a discussion.

-Stefania I don't want you to have to drive me to the hospital.

-You won't go to the hospital because you're not gonna fall- We stayed in silence until we both laugh- Yeah that's probably not true. But you won't get badly hurt.



-I'll try.

-Brave woman- I blink and she smiles- So...While dinner finishes itself, do you want to take a shower?

-Sure-I took a small leap to the floor and she grabs my waist pushing me slowly against the wall- Well we can't have shower sex because the food will probably burn but...We can have a kiss and hug session- I smile looking at her eyes.


I grew up thinking I deserved nothing, I was thought to remember myself that everyday. But I deserved this, I deserved these moments, I deserved feeling at home, feeling safe, feeling understood. I didn't think I deserved her, neither did her deserved to deal with my fucked up head. Still, I was loving all this.
We had dinner and didn't take long for us to be in bed cuddling and watching a movie.

-Can't believe we only have one more day left- She whispers kissing my neck.

-We should come here more- I smile.

-I should talk to Barrett, so she can come to Colorado, and then from here we would go directly from New York.


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