Chapter 16

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I was watching our friends on the pool, the sun was setting making she sky mix all the colors, there was music in the background and there was Stefania walking in my direction with a cheese board. She looked beautiful with her hair up in a ponytail, wearing a black bikini. Smiles sitting in front of me.

-Can we talk for a second?

-Sure- I let my drink on the table.

-Do you have something you want to tell me?- Holds my hand.


-I don't know...The other night, you seemed a little off, like you were hesitant when I came to hug you, or kiss you.


-We don't have to do this, okay? We don't have to be together if you don't want to. As much as I love everything that envolves being with you...I respect you. You can say no.

-I like being with you.

-That doesn't mean anything if you don't feel comfortable. You can tell me anything bambina- Holds my hand.

-I feel comfortable, it's just...

I lost myself looking at her eyes, she's so pure...Genuine and I couldn't tell her all that, not now.
She would leave.
She would leave if she knew how messed up my head is.
Now her eyes on mines, I could see her trying to comfort me just by her look.

-Hey? It's just what?


-Fine, you don't have to tell me. Just say if I make you uncomfortable and we can stop this, maybe be just friends. Because I see that tonight you're acting really weird.

I sighed- You don't make me uncomfortable, on the contrary you make me feel something I haven't felt in ages Stefania. And yes now I am acting weird because I feel guilty I stopped things from going the other night and I didn't want to say anything and...- She smiles, which made me realize I was talking too fast.

-I see, you're freaking out because you feel things you haven't felt with other people, or maybe...- She looks right into my eyes- One person in specific who treated you in a way you didn't deserve- I look away and she holds my face close to hers- Okay, fine, that's probably why you're feeling guilty about stopping it, why you act hesitant when I touch you, that or you're really into me and you get nervous.

She was clearly trying to easy the situation and it was working. She smiles and I laugh.

-Am I right?- Asks in between the silence.

-You are.

She sighed looking at our hands.

-Do you want us to end things?


-No?- Raises her head.


-I'll give you all the time in the world.

-Thank you, I'll get less weird I promise- We both laugh.

-I'm going to the pool, wanna come?

-I'll be there in a minute.

-Okay- Kisses my cheek.

I watch her as she walks away, her bikini fitting perfectly on her body, her long hair hitting her back now. She looked amazing.

-What's up with you and Stefania?- I heard Jess's voice .

-Oh god- I hide my face with my hands and they laugh.

-You've been going out a lot- Caterina said sitting by my side.

-That is normal, no?

-No, because she's always working, even with us she's hard to get out of her office.

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