Chapter 17

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It's been a while since me and Stefania could have a time together. Either I was busy or she was traveling, but tonight I had free time, I knew she was coming back from Miami so I made a way to go to her house without telling her. It could go wrong, she could say she didn't want anyone home, my head had two thousand different thoughts about what I was doing all the way to her house. I spent years of my life telling myself I would get out of that loveless relationship, that I would leave David and never again be with someone, but here I was making a surprise to someone I met a month ago, someone I had nothing with.

-Hi Thomas- I smiled getting out of the car.

-Hello miss Savre.

-Is Stefania here yet?

-No, she's not.

-That is great, I wanted to surprise her can I come in?

-Sure, I think Red is almost leaving.

-Okay, thank you.

-Do you want me to park you car?

-Would save me time.

-Alright, I will, have a good night.

-You too- I smile, taking off the car my bag, and walking to the house- Red?

-Miss Savre!

-Call me Danielle, I am not as important as Stefania- We both laugh and I take off my jacket hanging it.

-She isn't here, do you want me to call her?

-No, it's fine, I'm here just to surprise her.

-How cute, should I prepare something?

-Oh don't mind that, it's late.

-Okay then, some cookies.

-Thank you, I just have to change my clothes and I'll help you.

After I got upstairs I decided to wear one of her sweatshirts and some shorts. Helped Red doing the receipt and told her to go home promising I would not burn them.
I get scared as I heard my phone, an incoming facetime from Barrett.

-Where the hell are you?

-I'm at Stefania's- I say sitting outside on the sofa and lightening up some candles.

-Wasn't she in miami?

-She coming tonight.

-Oh so you're there earlier?

-Yes, I thought about just surprising her but...I don't know why I did it, should I go home?

-No, stop that, you miss her and that's obvious. Just enjoy your friday plans.

-Really? What if she thinks I'm crazy?

-She won't, believe me, what are you doing?

-I just light some candles and the fireplace, to make light up the space outside, and there's cookies on the oven.

-Did you cook them?

-No, Red did, I helped.

-Is she still there?

-No, no and I should take them out or they'll burn.

-Then do it!- She laughs.

After a while we hang up, I heard her car parking and just stood there on the hallway.

-Ciao Danielle I just got to LA, I know it's late and you're probably asleep, but call me when you wake up okay? I miss you- She says to her phone making me smile, she didn't notice i was there.

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