Chapter 11

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It was almost six when I rang the doorbell at Danielle's apartment and Barrett answered it.


-Hello- Smiled kissing her cheek.

-Cat and jess are already here, make yourself at home- I entered leaving my bag close the other ones- As always- Coughed making me giggle- You must be Jaina?

-Nice to meet you Barrett.

-Oh you already know my name- Smiled.

-I've heard a lot about you- Blinked her eye.

Am I really seeing this? I asked myself laughing inside, this was iconic.

-I see you flerting with Danielle's best friend- I whispered.


I greeted all of them and the blonde came to the living room with some snacks.

-You're here- Smiles and I slowly approach.

-Hi- I whispered leaving a kiss on her cheek.


I sat close to Jess, seeing Danielle's look on me.

-Today it's grilled meat, let's pray B doesn't burn it all.

-Ei! I'm great cooking, the same can't be said about you.

-Nope- Said and everyone laughs.

-What's the tea?- Jaina says sitting along with Barrett.

-Yesterday I saw Beatrice with that guy from the library- The blonde says drinking her wine.


-I was going to grab a book and there they were.

-Did they saw you?

-Yes!- We all laughed at Danielle's worried face.

-I'm going to fire them, making out at work? That can't happen- I said joking.

-Don't do that! They're going to know it was all my fault- We continued to laugh.

-I'm joking- She rolled her eyes smiling- But I do have to talk to them tho.

-I always knew there was something between them- My friend says drinking her beer.

After some time talking and spelling the tea Danielle stood up, she was going to get a drink for Barrett who was outside on the balcony, I took the opportunity to go talk to her.

-Need help?- I said and she jumped.

-Why do you always do that?

-Sorry...I'll start to say I'm entering.

-Thank you- Giggled.

-Are you alright? You seem off.

-Oh I'm okay- Smiled- I just had a rough night- Stops to look at me- I couldn't sleep one hour straight without waking up.

-That's because you were nervous to be with me today- Said with a proud smile and she rolled her eyes.

-Maybe- Replies as we were making our way to Barrett. We both giggled- A beer for a chef.

-Make sure you don't overcook our meat please- I say and they laugh.

After some time talking Barrett went inside as we promised to look after it, she was watching the view while I was turning the food.

-I'm sorry- Says following the silence between us.

-For what?

-I lied.

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