Chapter 33

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I ended up spending more time at the company than expected, it was half past seven when I got home to see Danielle laying on the couch running trough her phone. I watched her for a second.
I never had a person to como home to, but just knowing I was getting out of the company and have her waiting for me, getting home and seeing her right there laying on the couch, it warmed my heart.

-Hi- She says as she notices me lost in my thoughts, she gets up and comes to hug me.

-How are you?

-I'm okay.

-No, really.

-I'll be fine, I'm just...I never...

-You what?

-Never imagined he'd follow me to the other side of the country, what if he lives here now?

-Do you want security?


-Men around you- We make our way to the office where I put all my belongings.

-Following me almost every hour of my day? No. I don't want you doing that.

-You'll be with Thomas then, is that okay?


-I just...I don't trust you going around the city to do your things with him around. Please, I don't want to be worried. I wont be around much, you and Barrett can stay here, Thomas will be here.

-No I can't just live at your house because my ex is back.

-You can, look- I hold her hands, she sighs- One week at least, what do you think?

-Fine, they'll be here any minute now, can I go outside to organize things?

-Are you running away from the conversation?

-Maybe!- She says and I giggle while going to prepare some food.


-Bambina!- I yelled as our friends entered the house.

-Me? Oh hello there!- She smiles going to hug Jessica and then Caterina.

-We missed you!

-I missed you both too. Is Jaina coming?

-Of course bela- I hold her hand. She stays looking at them for a moment before staring at me and smiled.

-Hello hello!

Jay had come, I invited him because Danielle had talked about him a couple times, he seems like he can be trusted.

-Jay?- She looks at me raising an eyebrow- Hi! What are you doing here?

-Your none italian girlfriend invited me.

-I'm glad she did- Whispers leaving a kiss on my cheek before walking outside with all of them.

-You seem closer- Jessica says drinking her margarita.


-Yeah sure, like you're more comfortable around each other.

-I think she needed to tell some things, we needed this time to understand each other. And David...

-She told you about him?

-She did.

-So are you dating?

-Don't ask hard questions- We all laugh.

In the meantime Jaina and Barrett ended up arriving, we were all in the pool enjoying the music when Danielle comes up with a drink for me.

-This is for you- Whispers, one hand going on my waist and I smile kissing her.

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