Chapter 29

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-You're okay?- Barrett asks as we entered the uber.

-Not really.


-My dad, did you saw him talking to me before everyone started leaving?

-No, I think I was outside. What did he say?

-He told me I ran away because I was a lesbian, I was a disappointment.

-You're not- Holds my hand- Do you hear me?

-I just...I don't know, I really thought I was over his bullshit, that he couldn't get to me, and now...

-No, no, Danielle don't even think about it.

-That's impossible. He said I was a disappointment Barrett.

Stefania's penthouse wasn't far, we got outside the car. My best friend holds my hand with her hands.

-If you even think about the possibility of ending things with that woman I'll kill you. Do you understand?

-Every time I heard him saying that I was miserable I didn't even got sad about it anymore, now I'm happy, and hearing it just broke me,. I have my life together for the first time and I'm a fucking disappointment?

I walk inside the building and press the button of the elevator.

-You are not a disappointment. You can be for him, but not for everyone else. And for me you are amazing, you're an inspiration Danielle, don't let him get to you, you're not a kid anymore.

-I hate this, I hate my father, I hate everything.

-Well you don't hate Stefania and I hope you don't hate me- We both laughed, entering Stefania's place.

She wasn't anywhere to be seen, thankfully, I went straight to one of the guest rooms. I didn't searched for her, I didn't want to see her. I had to be alone.


It was almost two in the morning when Danielle got out of the shower, she had cried so much her eyes were red and puffy. She layed in bed and allowed herself to cry more.

you're a disappointment

i'm ashamed to call you my daughter

-Barrett told me what happened- Stefania whispers, she had been standing there for a while now, noticing Danielle crying she didn't know whether to stay or go downstairs. Maybe she needed time alone.

She slowly closes the door behind her, the blonde hadn't moved, she takes small steps to the bed and lays behind the woman putting one arm around her waist, cuddling.

-You can tell me to leave, but I really hope you don't.

Quiet, she had stopped crying. Holds her hand on her belly. She didn't want her to leave, but she wasn't going to say it.

-You're amazing bambina, vorrei che tu potessi vedere quello che vedo quando ti guardo, quanto sono orgoglioso di te, quanto sono innamorato di ogni piccola cosa di te(I wish you could see what I see when I look at you, how proud of you I am, how in love I am with every little thing about you)

Danielle smiled, she had no idea what she said but it just sounded beautiful.

-I'm a horrible human being- Whispers.

-No you're not.

-I left my fiancé, my family, my job, everything, and came here.

-Do you regret it? Do you regret that you had to make important decisions for your own good? Danielle you weren't okay, I know you know that because if you didn't you hadn't come to LA. I would be proud, you had the courage to leave it all behind.

-Why am I a disappointment to him?

-Because he's an asshole- They both laugh, she kisses her neck.

-I'm sorry.

-About what?

-I don't think we...

-Don't say it, please don't.

-Stefania I...- She gets quiet, slowly turning to face the italian- I am no good for you, I don't add anything to your life, I'm just here to break you.

-You're not breaking me, you're doing more than anyone in my life could ever do.


-You what?

-I think we should call it quits.

She doesn't say a word. Sats on the bed, staring at wall. Danielle was watching her every move, her heart aching.

-It's not the first time you're saying this but with different words, you think you can't do this but I think you can.

-Please don't do this.

-I don't know about you but I go to sleep thinking about you, I wake up wanting to text you or that there will be a text from you, I shower wanting your fucking body behind mine.


-I can't stay away from you, I'm sorry, I could never let you go, not even if I tried.

-Stop you're going to make me cry.

-Give you heart a chance to speak louder than your mind, for once, if you still feel like this isn't going to work I will never talk to you, ever again.

-I hate my dad- Says and Stefania lets out a smirk.

-Yeah I know that.

-I hate everything.

-I know that too.

-I don't actually hate you though.

-Thank god- Smiles getting closer to kiss her- Can I kiss you now?- Whispers switching her eyes from hers to her lips.

-I don't think you should be here right now.

The italian's look was disappointed, but it soon changed when Danielle kissed her.

-But I'm glad you are.

-You gotta decide what you wanna do Danielle, we can't keep going like this. We just spent days alone in a house in the middle of nowhere, you come here, see your dad and suddenly you don't want me anymore.

-You're wrong.

-What am I wrong about?

-I want you, I only want you, and I think besides the job I have, I've never been so sure of something. And it's because I like you that I want you to be happy.

-But I am happy, you make me the happiest I've ever been bambina.

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