Chapter 48

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I pay the bill and get my jacket, as I'm stepping out I see Danielle standing there, looking the other way, up, probably at the moon like always.

-Should we go?- I say, coldly as I go trough my purse.

-I know you're not him- She says coming out almost as a whisper- But if it's not a challenge for you being away from me for a long period of time, for me it is- Turns to me.

-I didn't say it wasn't hard Danielle.

-Stefania, I was used to being cheated on, to be treated like shit. You treat me like I'm some kind of princess but that doesn't mean my traumas and insecurities are suddenly gone. I trust you, I know you wouldn't do that, not because I'm me but because you have character. At the same time I can't help but overthink, you can meet a gorgeous nice woman somewhere, I don't know, it's hard to not have my girlfriend here.

-I can't say I know what you feel when you think those things because I don't, but I do know how it feels to be away from you for a long period, god I know how it feels to not see you for a day bambina- Kissed her cheek- It is a challenge.

-I couldn't ask for anything different Stefania, I am complaining but do love to see that nothing changes when you come back, that I love you even more. I do appreciate you coming to my building to give me flowers.

-I'm sorry, this was a silly argument.

-I'm sorry I walked away from dinner.

-Let's go to the house I rented shall we?

-Of course.

We walked quickly to the car as she noticed two people taking photos, she opened the door for me and I entered.
When we parked I was completely in love with the house, in front of the beach, quiet, only the sound of the sea.
I feel her hand on my waist and turn to her.

-This is beautiful.

-I knew you'd like it, let's go in.


-Bambina?- She whispers, still caressing my head.

-Yes baby?

-Would you move in with me?

-What?- I turn my head to her smiling.

-I don't know if it's too soon, if you're prepared for that. But I'd love to have you with me.

-Are you serious?

-Am I serious about living life by your side?- Kisses my forehead- A hundred percent.


-Yes you would?

-Yes I would.

-Do you want to?

-I'll just have to talk to B, make sure to not go away and suddenly leaving her paying everything.

-I understand.

-But I can start to take care of everything as soon as I get home if you want- She looks at me and smiles.

-That would be great- Kisses me.

We ended up staying the whole weekend, Stefania liked to work, but it was curious to watch her not even touch her phone for hours even if we're not doing anything.
We planned everything about me moving to her house, she insisted we should go shopping to buy what I wanted for the house.

-How was your night?

Barrett asks as I sat by her side on the couch. We changed plans, we stayed two nights there just enjoying ourselves. So now it was monday and she had just dropped me off to go to work, she saying she is actually not going to take the week off.

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