Chapter 39

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The doorbell rings and Stefania looks at Claire who smiled getting up.

-I'll go- Whispers and she smiles.


-Hi...Hi- She lets a space for Danielle to enter.

It felt weird coming back, she thought she wouldn't come back. The blonde felt like a stranger at a house that once was her safe place.

-She's outside.

-She's nervous isn't she?

-Of course.

-We all are.

-I'm not- The younger one says, Danielle chuckles.

-You're just like your mother, so I know you are.

-Jeez. How was dinner?

Savre looks at Claire raising her eyebrow but finding the situation funny.

-I'm sorry I'm just...Making small talk.

-Dinner was great, thank you.

-Before going outside I have to say, I am so sorry about everything.

-It's not your fault.

It felt like a breath of fresh air coming into Claire, she had blamed herself for not being quiet since Danielle left, blamed herself seeing her mother suffer.

-If there's someone to blame here is your mother for not telling me about you, and me for disappearing.

They both smile before stepping outside, Stefania let's out a small smile, the blonde does the same.

-Okay uhm- Gets up- Danielle this is Claire, my daughter, Claire this is Danielle.

-Nice to meet you again- The blonde says standing her hand.

-Same- Smiled shaking it.


Stefania was inside the house to grab wine for her, Claire lighted a cigarette and I watched her closely.

-Want one?- Said handing me the pack.

Took one, she passes me the lighter- Thank you.

-Welcome, can I tell you something? don't get mad for getting in between you two.

-Tell me.

-Just...Try. I know it's hard, I know what she did put you in a bad place, but try.

-I'll try- We smiled- So you smoke? Underage?

-Oh, my mom was really mad about that, but you know, one cigarette once in a while, I don't smoke evely. In fact I spend weeks without it, I can stay here with you for hours and not touch this package.

-Are you athletic?

-I am in fact.

-Love that you take care of yourself.

-My number one priority- We both smiled and Stefania came.

-Soda for you and a margarita for you- Says leaving a kiss on my forehead.

-Thank you, this seems like a routine to you.

-Well, it as been for the past week- The younger one says.

As we proceeded talking I realized how much they looked alike, it was cute and terrifying at the same time having two Stefanias in front of me. Clarie was an amazing girl, I was loving to get to know her a little bit, and as the time passed Stefania told me all about how her daughter came from a sexual assault. She told me her struggles, how Red and Thomas were the only ones by her side, the happy parts, and the sad parts. Meanwhile the little one was dead asleep on the couch.

-She fell asleep- I said putting a blanket over her.

-It's been like this for a week. Was never so close to her like I am now.

-Happy to hear that.


-I loved her, she's amazing.

-I have to say this again...I'm really sorry about everything.

-I know you are.

She slowly approaches putting a hand on my face, looking deep inside my eyes.

-I can't lose you- Whispers- I think you might be the love of my life

I felt like every thing I needed to hear was in those words, the words I've never heard from anyone, and coming from her mouth was very captivating, I smiled looking away.

-You're making me nervous.

-Sorry- Giggles and I look at her again.

-It's not all worked out, but everything will be okay.

-Between us?

-I love you- She coughs putting her drink away as I watched her, containing my laugh.

-You love me. You said that.

-I...Did, yeah.

She moves her hand back to my face, gently putting us closer. I looked into her eyes and I felt like crying, I do think I let out some tears because I feel my cheek wet, she giggles wiping them off and kisses me.

-When I told you I didn't want to have kids? It's because I grew up in a loveless household, you can say mentally hill household because I assure you neither of us grew up sane. I am afraid of being a mom and becoming exactly like my dad, because I got my part being exactly like my mom in my previous relationship except that I didn't have children to care for.

-You don't have to stick around.

-But I fell in love with you, and that includes your bagage, everything that comes with you I'll care and love. I spent a week going over this in my mind but the truth is...I want you, and if you have a daughter than I'll take it, I'll embrace it, because with you I have hope, with you I dream of a future and if the future says more kids than we'll have a basketball team- We both laugh within tears- You hide her from me just like you did from everyone else, you weren't prepared but if you take it to the bright side...You went trough a terrible thing and I'm sorry for that, but this little angle? She came out like a light to your life and I just know it, I know everything you did until this point was because of her so why hide it?

-I was going to tell you, the day after you found out? I had it planned but I forget that I can't have plans when it comes to you and me because there's never the right time or the right thing to say- I giggle- I wanted a future with you so I had to tell you because there couldn't be lies, I knew it Danielle.

-She looks just like you- I whisper after some time in silence.

-She does right? It's incredible.

-It's scary- She smiles at me- I mean one Stefania? I can try to handle, but two? Damn- We both laugh- She isn't going to call me mom right?

-Claire takes a while to trust people, and she's not like a kid whom you can present yourself as the partner and they just like start calling you mom right away.

-I love you.

-I love you too- She says and I notice tears coming down her cheek.


-I'm sorry- I wiped off her tears, leaving a kiss on her lips.

We stayed close, we could feel each other's breaths.

-If there's more secrets you should definitely tell me now before I randomly find out and disappear again- She laughs getting a little faraway.

-There isn't.

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