Chapter 28

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Danielle parked her car on the parking lot, she somehow never imagined being here again. As the memories started to show up in her head, she felt all her body shivering, she really didn't want to be there.
She hadn't spoken to her dad since she left to Los Angeles, well, before that. Danielle avoided saying goodbye to him, it wasn't worth it, she called her mom though, a couple times. There wasn't a lot to talk, they were never that close to keep a conversation for more than two minutes. Her sister and goddaughter on the contrary, they would spend hours talking and updating each others on their lives, and even if there was nothing to update, they would just talk randomly like old times. She never mentioned her affair with Stefania, it was something she was dying to talk about when she get a chance to say it face to face. Say that she was finally happy, or whatever that word meant.

She grabbed her bag and got out of the car, looking at the apartment she took a deep breath.

-Hey, you're okay?- Barrett whispers.

-I'm not prepared for all the looks on their faces- Giggled.

It was time to get questioned about how she left her fiancé alone in New York and ran away to another city. Because that must have been all her father talked about these months. What they didn't knew was the courage she had to earn to fly all the way there.

-Hi- She says closing the door.

The quiet after that simple word was awkward, all she wanted to do was get back to that damn elevator.

-Danielle- Her savior, Stephanie came to hug her.

-Oh my god...I missed you so much.

-Me too sis, me too.

-You look...Beautiful- The sound of her mother's voice makes her happy, they didn't have a good relationship but still, there was a mother and daughter connection.

-Mom- Smiles.

-It's so good to see you, here, right in front of me.

-This is awkwardly cute- Whispers hugging her mom as tight as possible-Where's Madeleine?

-On the balcony, with her friends.

-I'm going there.

-And her girlfriend- Stephanie whispers in her ear, the blonde and Barrett turned to her.

-Her what?- Pushes her arm so they would be faraway from their mom- Does anyone know?

-She thinks I don't know, but I saw them kissing when I went to pick her up at school.

-Oh, okay, do you think she will tell me?

-She probably will, now, for the sake of this family, go say hi to everyone before they start talking and I have to punch every single one of them.

They both laughed, the older one was right, they didn't want to make a scene right on her first day back. After that, she went to see Madeleine, she could see who the girlfriend was just by the looks they gave each other.

-You came...- Says standing up, her friends stayed quiet looking at the blonde's happiness.

-Madeleine- Smiles and the younger comes hug her.


-Are you taller? I feel like you're taller, isn't she taller B?

-No I am not- Laughed.

-Oh I missed you so much.

-I feel like it's been years...Emily you haven't met my godmother- The girlfriend, she got up, apparently nervous.

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