Chapter 38

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My phone rings, a different ring, all my body shivers, it was seven am and of course I hadn't slept.

"you can come pick me up at the airport"

"you can come pick me up at the airport"

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Was she crazy? Absolutely.
Was I crazy for her? Absolutely.

I grabbed my coat and ran downstairs to find the keys for one of my cars.

-What are you doing crazy woman?- Claire stands on the stairs as I put on my shoes.

-Danielle is back, she asked me to pick her up.

-Oh wow, okay, sure you can drive?

-I can.


I was in my car waiting for her when I heard the back door open, she puts her bag in, and goes around sitting in the passenger seat. She didn't look at me.

-I have so many questions.

-I can answer them all, I'm willing to do anything.

-She's seventeen, almost eighteen. You have an adult at your house and you didn't find it important to tell me?

-I did, believe me I did, but then we started a relationship and I find out you didn't want kids...I got scared you would leave me...

-You're putting the blame on me?

-No, no absolutely not, I lost courage, I was a coward I know. She is always at college so I never bothered to hide her or anything.

-There isn't any pictures at the house, does she even have a room?

-She has it's...

-It's the locked room! How dumb of me!

-I am so sorry about all this mess, I'm aware that hiding it just made it harder.

-Glad you know that.

Silence, all the way to her apartment, I parked the car and looked at her.

-Forgive me.

-I can't.


-It'll take time.

-Try to know her.

-Stefania I was a twenty five year old single woman just coming out of an abusive relationship and suddenly I'm dating a famous woman with an eighteen year old daughter! This is too much.


Took a deep breath before answering me- When?

-Uhm, tonight?

-Can't, I have dinner plans.

-Dinner plans- I repeated that looking the other way.

-With Jess.

-After that then, we usually stay up late.

-I will be there- Sighed.



-Thank you.

We stayed looking at each other for a while until she turns to open her door.

-I need to sleep before going out.

-I'm sorry, again.

-I bet you are.

-I love you- I whisper, she looks at me before turning around with her bag and stepping inside the building.

I make my way home, nervous to have Danielle home tonight, in the same environment as my daughter.

-Can I make you a list of things for you to buy or are you too busy?- I ask Red, she stops what she's doing to look at me.

-I went shopping yesterday.

-I know.

-Is she back?

-She is- I sit watching her prepare something on the stove.

-To you?

-To LA, not really sure if she wants me back.

-If she's coming over than it's a chance you have to make things right.

-Make things right? Did you talk to her?- Claire enters the kitchen, I nod.

-That's great!

-I asked her to meet you, in the right terms this time.

-She said yes?

-She was relutante, but yes.

-So we have things planned with your girlfriend?

-Is she still that?- I ask, we all laugh nervously.

-Well I hope so because you make the hottest couple- We hear Jaina.

-She's right- Caterina whispers.

-Why is everyone in my house at eight in the morning?

-We have a photoshoot.

-Oh my god! Jessica, she's going to kill me.

I quickly get up and they laugh.

-This is the Danielle Savre influence everyone!- Jaina yells before we're out of the house.

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