Chapter 25

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It was seven in the morning when we woke up, took a shower and rushed downstairs to have breakfast. We were starving, I guess I drained all my energy during the night.

-I'm sorry we can't stay the whole week, I just really can't miss Madeleine's birthday.

-It's okay, really, maybe I'll go with you to New York.

I choke on the coffee, she laughs.

-I'll be working bambina don't worry, I'm not inviting myself to meet your family.

-Well...I think Madeleine would be cool with it.

-Does anyone know about my existence?- Turns to me, I stay in silence- I'm not just randomly going to sneak into your goddaughter's birthday honey. We have time for that.

-Sure, I just don't want you to feel like I don't want you in the same place as my family.

-Do you? Because I wouldn't to be honest.

-Why not?

-Your dad? Would you like me to meet him?

-Oh- I giggle- No, I don't want you to get traumatized. And...

-And he's homophobic.

-Yeah there's that. Do you think people can change? That he can change?

-I believe people can change, I would like to think someday he'll apologize for everything he did to you.


-Sure, why not? That would be great- Smiles turning again to do her things- Anyways I'll be in New York since I need to take care of some things. We can head back to LA together what do you think?

-Seems great- I smile and continued to watch her do our lunch- Sure you don't want help?

-No bambina you can stay right there.

-Seriously I won't burn the kitchen.


I couldn't remember the last time I had taken a break from life in general, I was always working in the company and out of there. My life had become my office, my company, my work trips, and never me. When I met Danielle I started to take it easy on work, I wasn't staying up late locked in a room sitting at a secretary, I wasn't staying late at work as always, but I was still always busy.
I felt relaxed, it felt good to just for one day not grab my notebook and send emails. It felt good to stay away from the mess of the city and forget that I'll be busy for the next upcoming weeks. And it felt good to be here with her.
It seemed like she was reading my mind when she started talking.

-I love that we're here- Says closing her book and I do the same- Time alone.

-I'm sorry I'm always busy. I've always loved it, but now that I don't really have time for us I think I hate it- We both laughed.

-It's okay, you always make time even if it's just twenty minutes. I love that.

-This time of the year is hard to settle, I'll be working a lot the next days so I wanted us to have this time by ourselves. I feel like we don't really known each other that well.

She sat closer, crossed her legs, lights up one cigarette, in one knee she supports her arm.

-What do you want to know about me?

I felt anxious with that question, nervous, there was a lot I knew she wasn't telling me, she was a box full of surprises. But on another hand it felt like I've known her for years so I had no idea which questions to ask her.

-I don't know...What's your mom's name?- She giggles.

-Kathie, my dad is Randy.

-Do you have any siblings besides Stephanie?

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