Chapter 5

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The rest of the night went really well. The other girls came at one am and we drank, danced a lot, played truth or dare like fifteen year olds. It was five am when we decided to sleep, I gave the idea to Jessica, Caterina and Stefania stay in my bedroom, i knew Barrett wanted to be alone and my sofa was really comfortable so i didn't bothered to stay here, but Stef stayed with me, saying she didn't wanted to sleep with those two.

-Have they slept together since the breakup?

-I don't think so.

-I just don't understand why they broke up if they like each other so much.

-Jess was in a bad position at her job, when she decided to only focus on opening her own company and only focusing on that.

-But now she's in a good place, don't you think?

-Yeah, and i've talked to them, they're too stubborn.

-Anyways...I owe you a coffee! Do you want it now?

-Well it's almost six am, i don't think im going to sleep anyways- Got up and i do the same- Why not.

-Okay now...Can you bring me the coffee that's in the fridge?

-Of course- Said as i picked up two cups and started to put ice on it- Here,  you do the coffee the day before?

-I always do more than i should in the morning and it gets more flavored as the time passes, sometimes i just use those bottles of coffee from starbucks tho.

-Oh okay- Kept quiet watching me do the rest.

-Here, try it- Handled her the cup.

-It's really good! I want this everyday for the rest of my life- We both laughed.

-Yeah it's the only good thing that i know for sure that it's going to be good when i'm at the kitchen.

-You're not a good cooker?

-Not really, no- I smiled looking at the floor and felt her hand on my tight.

-I am- She said and i looked at her- Really good.

-I'll wait for my pizza- Whispered as she gets closer.

-Whenever you want, bella.

-Are they serious?- Barrett said approaching, we were about to kiss, we really were! I just could not believe it, and i couldn't believe Barrett had just walked in.

We get a little faraway looking at my friend, her hand was still on my tight but now she was moving, at least Barrett couldn't see it because we were behind the counter.

-Couldn't sleep?- I handle her my cup of coffee.

-They don't let me!- Me and Stefania laughed seeing her reaction.

-What happened?

-Did you seriously not heard anything?- We made confused expressions looking at each other- They're fucking!

-Oh seriously? In my bed?

-That's what best friends are for right?- Stef said, i looked at the brunette while slowly taking my leg off and going to prepare another coffee for me.

-Should i go for a run?

-Really?- Stefania asked- Now?

-Yeah why not.

-You need it B, go ahead- I smiled and she does the same.

-I love you.

-Love you too.

-I should go- Stefania said smiling.

-Really? It's really early.

-I know, i'll just get some sleep before starting my day.

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