Chapter 37

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Millions of missed calls.
Did I buy the first plane ticket I saw online? Yes I did.
Did I have a plan? No, no I didn't.
Did I disabled my location? Yes, yes I did.
I was still in shock by everything that had happened in the past couple hours.
Stefania had a daughter, that she managed to hide from me.
You ask someone to be their girlfriend you have to be a hundred percent into the relationship, no lies. 

-Hi I

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-Hi I...Want a room.

-It's just you ma'am?- The woman types something on the computer.


-Okay, room thirty eight. Do you know how long you're staying?


-It's a hundred and eighty seven per night.

-Okay then just put two nights and I'll see later.

-Have a good night- The woman smiled, I do the same and grabbed my bag entering the elevator right away.

All I did was lay in bed and cry for the next hours ahead. I watched the sunrise, after taking a shower and went out to grab coffee and explore the view.

Another call.

Barrett. I sighed answering it.

-Where are you?


-Are you serious?

-I am.

-I'm worried Danielle. I hate when you do this. Last time I had to visit you in the hospital.

-I'm not going to do anything, I just need time.

-You have a family here, we're your family, you have a girlfriend.

-And my girlfriend has...

-Has what?

-A daughter.

-Oh no.

-I can't Barrett, you know I can't.

-No one is putting a gun against your head and telling you to be a mother.

-This is not what I want for my life.

-I think you have to think about it, and talk with her.

-Not now.

-I understand.

-Don't tell anyone.

-I love you.

-I love you too.


It's been a week, of me trying to talk with Danielle, of me crying myself to sleep, of me being obligated to get out of bed by my best friend.
Barrett makes sure to at least tell me they've spoken a couple times and that made feel better to know that she's okay.
I knew it was my fault but I couldn't take it anymore, every single day that goes by is more twenty four hours feeling incredibly hopeless and shitty.

I knew it was my fault but I couldn't take it anymore, every single day that goes by is more twenty four hours feeling incredibly hopeless and shitty

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-Get out of that phone- Claire was leaning on the door watching me for god knows how long, I stand up.

-It's over.

-She answered?


-Then you don't know- She hugs me.

-She hates me.

-Probably- I look at my daughter raising my eyebrow- What? You start dating, which you never did before and, casually, forget to tell your girlfriend, who does not want kids, that you have a daughter. I'd be pissed.

-You've told me that before.

-But no one knows mom, no one, and you weren't ready to tell. No matter how much you love someone...

-I'm home- We hear Jaina's voice coming from downstairs.

-You can go outside- Claire yells looking at me- Go outside mom, have some laughs, distract yourself.

-She absolutely feels guilty- I say sitting by my bestfriend's side.


-Claire. She thinks it's her fault I'm like crying every two seconds.

-It's not her fault.

-I hide her, for years, and just like that when I try to do things right...Everything goes downhill.

-Danielle will eventually come back to Los Angels, Barrett will kill her if she doesn't give you an opportunity to talk.

We both laugh.

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