Chapter 2

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Danielle pov

Yesterday was really good, i bought a lot of stuff to my house and was actually waiting for the rest to arrive today, things that wouldn't fit in my car.
I had time to call my sister while i was at the park watching the sunset and we talked for almost the entire time i was there. She told me that my niece was upset, but didn't want me to know since she knew i was trying so hard to find "real happiness" by her own words.

I did also took some time to drive around and see some good places to maybe go sometime.

It was almost five pm when i got out of the shower and stood in front of my bed wondering what outfit i was going to choose to meet an old friend. Decided to wear a dress with yellow flowers and simple make up. Made my way to the coffee shop we agreed to meet at.

-Well hello there- Caterina says standing up.

-Oh my god hi!- Hugged her.

-I missed you so much, it's been like what? Six years?

-Something like that yeah, how are you?

-I'm great, you?

-I'm better- Said sitting in front of her.

-I ordered your coffee, i bet your favorite it's still the same.

-Iced coffee with extra ice and just a little bit of caramel on top- We said at the same time laughing right away.

-So tell me, are you still with him?

-David? No- Looked at the table.

-That's a relief. I was really sad when we lost contact, because i was just so worried..

-Actually he made me stop texting you and that was why i didn't came to visit.


-A while after you moved here you posted a photo with your girlfriend, he said you were dangerous, that people like you couldn't be friends with people like me..

-Little did he know that before him you enjoyed the same thing i do!

-Correction, i still enjoy it- We laughed.

-How did it ended?

-Well i just ran away.

-YOU DID WHAT?- Yelled.

-Shh, i ran away, weeks before i left i started searching for houses here and i found a cute apartment, started talking with the previous owner and made a deal, packed some things when he was at work and got to my sister's house were i stayed for almost three weeks because the owner needed to do some remodelings at the apartment, and here i am now.

-That's a hell of a story to tell your kids, i was in an abusive relationship and ran away to another city.

-Yeah that's pretty badass- I smiled.

-How are you handling it?- Her face suddenly got serious, i think i've never seen her like that.

-I'm...Okay i guess, one day at the time, trying to find myself after all those years trapped in a loveless relationship.

-I'll be here for you, really, i'm happy to see your pretty face!

-You don't know how happy i am to finally talk to you after all this time. Are you still dating her?

-No, we broke up a while ago.

-Oh shit i'm sorry.

-It's okay, we're friends, we hangout a lot, we still love each other.

-Well that's good, maturity wins!- I said and she smiles.

-Absolutely, you have to meet her.

-What's her name? I completely forgot.

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