Chapter 27

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-Buongiorno- She whispers as I open my eyes.

-Morning...- I smile- Were you just watching me sleep?


-You're all dressed up.

-Yeah I went to take a shower and you didn't woke up so I thought about being by your side.

Is she completely ignoring what happened last night? Maybe, I don't think I like it, for the first time ignoring the problem is worrying me.

-I love when the morning starts with you- Whisperd and she smiles.

-Get up, breakfast is waiting.

-Wait- I hold her hand before she can get out if the bed.


-I'm sorry, about what happened at night. You were trying to help.

-I don't like fighting, I felt like you were going to start a fight just to push me away. So I left.

-I think it was for the best.

-You can't snap at me...We can't do that.

-Sure, yeah, I'm sorry.

-Why am I so sleepy this morning?- I yawn and she giggles.

-Because you have nothing to do. So your mind wants to rest.

-Hmm let's rest then...Cuddle- I turn to her, putting one arm on her shoulder and she kisses me.

-Barrett is arriving soon.

-Barrett! I completely forgot about her.

-I know, you haven't said a word about it- Giggles grabbing my waist- Our last moments alone. How do you feel?

-Like we should have had a month here alone.

She smiles.

-I wanna thank you- She says looking at my lips as she passes her fingers through them.


-For coming with me.

-I loved being here with you...

-Me too bambina.

Later that morning Barrett arrived, she wouldn't stop making questions about us while Stefania wasn't around. We had dinner and while my friend stayed outside me and her went upstairs to pack our bags so we would be prepared in the morning.

-I can't believe it's over- I say folding a sweater and putting it on my bag.

-Yeah, I feel the same way- She starts to undress, I stopped what I was doing to look at her- Why are you looking at me?

-Well, because you're beautiful.

-Smettila- Smiles, blushing.

-What is that? Never heard that one before- I slowly grab her waist.

-Stop that.

-Oh is that right?- Kissed her- I'm never complimenting you again.

-No, no, I like it.

-I know you do.

-Haha funny- Rolls her eyes kissing me.

-Okay my best friend is alone downstairs, I've packed everything, so I'm going okay?

-Oh, certo- Makes puppy eyes making me laugh.

-Stop it. You're going to shower?


-I'll be outside.

-You should come with me.

-We'll have a hot shower later- I whisper close to her mouth and she smiles.

-Seems great to me.


After I was done I walked outside, she wasn't sitting there, she was standing by one tree a little faraway. Cigarette in one hand and her camera in the other.

-Taking photos- Barrett says and I look at her.

-You're okay?

-This is great, I love it.

-I asked if you were okay. I know this house is great- I sat by her side, holding her hand- What's happening?

-You know why I came to LA?


-I was dating someone, he cheated on me with my boss.

-Oh no...

-Yeah, so I quit my job and started living with Danielle because she was getting her life together and I suddenly saw my life falling apart.

-He's back, isn't he? He's trying to get you back.


-Do you want him back?

-I miss him.

-You're going to New York, you think you'll talk to him?

-Maybe? I have no idea.

-You haven't talked to her, did you?

-No, she'll tell me to not go to New York with her.

-She sure will- We both laughed- You can talk to him, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea to get back with him. I've known you for a while now, I want you to be happy.

-Thank you- Smiles.

-Now I'm going to talk to your best friend and assure everything is okay with her.

-Do that.

-This is pretty- Says without looking at me, taking the cigar to her mouth as I approach.

-It is.

-I wanted to photograph you.

-I don't know why you like taking pictures of me so much, but we can do that other day.

-You're my favorite thing to appreciate.

She says it as she takes a picture of a rabbit. These kind of things start to came more naturally from her, it was like our days here made her feel more comfortable. I love it, I loved everything Danielle from two weeks ago couldn't say.
I smile approaching her, I take her camera out of her hand.

-Hey!- She says and I laugh- Watch for that camera it cost me a lot.

-I'm careful. How does this work?

-For you, works only with the bottom on top- Giggles.

-Can I take a photo of you?

-I look horrible babe.

-No you don't- I take the photo, she laughs taking the camera off my hands and taking a photo of me.

-You look beautiful.

-Come here- I whisper taking her cigarette out of her hand and putting in my mouth and grabbed her by the waist.

-Since when do you smoke?

-Since I was a teenager, but it's really rare.

-I don't know why you just turned me on- Kisses my neck.

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