Chapter 34

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-Okay you two, let's get inside shall we?- Jay appears at the door, we both laughed, she holds my hand and proceeds to follow Jay.

We all prepared our drinks, separately, each one of us had to do their drink for every single person in the house and then we got outside again with our drinks.

-Who's starting?

-Can I?- Barrett holds up one drink- This is a long island ice tea.

-Oh no- I hold my head and they laugh.

-Oh yes, the long island. This story...

-Shouldn't be told.

-Why not?- Giggles- Well, Danielle had just turned twenty one, of course she had gotten drunk before but that night she just wanted to enjoy it. I'm her best friend so I should take care of her, how? Drinking with her. I don't have to say much do I? I vomited on the bartender. She vomited on me, it was a whole disaster, and we had to call our other friend to pick us up.

-It was a long night- I say and Stefania looks at me in a funny way- Do you want to do next?

-Sure- Giggles.

-Well, a margarita, why? You all ask me, Jessica knows the answer, right?

-Oh jesus.

-Not even jesus could help us in that moment.

-What happened?

-Basically, we got drunk, alone, in my beach house and decided it was a good idea to get to know the people on the beach, new years eve, everyone drunk. I mean why not?

-Why not.

-That's when we met Caterina, who was, just like us, drunk. So we had a threesome.

-Oh my god!- Jay yells making us all laugh.

-Starting to feel like everyone has fucked everyone in this circle.

-Do not include me, I like men, although right now I'd pretty much love to be straight.

-Yeah I'd love to be gay right now- Jaina drinks the rest of her drink.

We laugh, again, and everyone proceeded to tell their stories.

-Well, it's three am, no one is getting out of this house with this much alcohol, so, there's rooms for everyone- Stefania gets up, and stands her hand looking right into my eyes- Are you coming baby?

-Good night everyone!- I say, as I get pushed to the inside of the house earing them laugh.

-Should we get more drinks?- Whispers close to my mouth.

-Maybe- I place my hands on her waist and she smiles- I'll wait for you in your room.



-Good morning- Jay says as I get outside.

I see Jaina and him sitting and drinking their coffee, Caterina on the pool, the others might be asleep. I look at my phone, it marked eleven in the morning making me giggle.

-Good morning. Where are the other two?

-Still asleep, Stefania?

-Same thing. I'm going inside to make coffee, do you need anything?

-No thank you.

I walk inside, and prepared some food to bring outside, I lean on the counter to go trough social media on my phone, and then I felt two hands around my waist.

-This photo looks pretty- I whisper as I turn my phone to her, she leaves a kiss on my forehead- Can I post it?

-You can, but why am I holding a bag on my shoulder?

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