Chapter 15

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-You're leaving?- She whispers as I was putting on my shoes, I look at her yawning finding it cute.

-Barrett needs me.

-You weren't going to say anything?

-I'm sorry you were just too cute- Approached leaning on the bed- I would leave a note tho. Morning- I say kissing her.

-Buongiorno. Can't you stay for breakfast?

-I'm sorry we'll talk later, Barrett needs me.

-Alright- Smiles kissing me again- Are you going to my charity on monday?

-Yes I will.

Last night I got to know a little more about Stefania, it was fantastic how stuck I was on her, mesmerized by her look and the way she talks. But the morning after all I could do was freak out, couldn't say why but looking at her sleeping I felt vulnerable. So I went home and worked out, then fell asleep until three pm when Barrett woke me up.

-Hey what are you doing sleeping on the couch at this time?

-Oh fuck, I fell asleep.

-Shouldn't you be with Stefania?- She let's out a little smirk and I rolled my eyes making space for her to sleep.



-And what?

-Had fun last night?

-If you're thinking what I think you are, we didn't do it.

-What do you mean?- Turns to me and I take my hands to my face- What happened?

-We almost did, but I couldn't, I stopped her, it was so weird after.

-I'm sure it wasn't weird, you were just nervous.

-Okay maybe.

-Was she that bad?

-No, she was amazing, and so gentle...I felt like I was about to have my first time all over again, but this time in a good way- We both laughed, standing up and making our way to the kitchen- Coffee?

-Please. How did you feel?

-All the flashbacks coming...It was terrible, then when I stopped she just said it was okay, to take my time and we fell asleep watching a movie.

-Oh she was lovely what do you mean it was weird?

-I lied to her- I handle her a mug.

-Oh come on! Why would you do that?

I giggled sitting on the chair.

-I felt so anxious when I woke up...She was just laying there perfect as always and I stood there looking at her, and then just went home telling her you needed me.

-Who put my name on that?

-It was either that or freak out in front of her.

-Honey I've told you this a million times before...You came here for a new start and you have to earn your own promise. She's great, I think you saw that tonight. I'm not saying you have to go to her house and fuck her- We laughed.

-I know, I'm trying.

The next day I was having a really productive morning, either stress makes me put all my problems on work or I do nothing, and I was proud of the progress done since eight in the morning. I haven't talked to Stefania since yesterday's morning after I had to leave her house. It was almost noon when I organized everything to leave with some people from work to volunteer at the company's charity.

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