Chapter 44

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-I've heard good things about you, I hope you're the designer I'm searching for.

My whole body trembles, my smile is fake now, I don't know what to do for a moment, until I turn around and make my way to the computer.

-I hope for that too, should we sit down?


-I have to say this might have been the book I worked the most.

-Show me- She let's out a gentle smile.

I pick up the pages, and put it in the middle of us. We spent the next thirty minutes in silence as she goes page by page looking at the details, paragraphs, type of letter, everything. When it's finally over I can finally breathe.

She looks at me.

-So?- I dare to say.

-I love it- Smiles- It's a yes.

-Love to hear that.

-What's your opinion?- I raise my eyebrow- About the book.

-It captivated me, I read it in a day and put all my effort on it for days and days, it's amazing. I was amused trough all of it.

-Thank you. I'm working on another one.

-Oh that's great.

-Do you write?

-I do actually.

-You look like you do- Smiled standing up- You plan on publishing it?

-Oh no- I lower my head- People wouldn't like it.

-There's eight billion people in the world, I'm sure someone would.

-Maybe- I stand my hand and she shakes it.

-If you need some advice, or someone to talk about books, my assistant will call you and give you my number.

-Oh, that's great, really. Do you have an idea when you're publishing it?

-I have some ideas of dates. But I can't tell you for sure.

-It was nice working on it, in someway, work with you.

-You have my word that I'll search for you for the editing of my next.

-I'm happy to hear that.

I open the door for her, and as we say goodbye I run to Stefania's office, I didn't even bothered to knock.

-Stefa...- I stop as I notice she was having a meeting on the computer.

She looks at me and smiles, I sit close to the edge of the table, watching her talk for over ten minutes with multiple people.

-Okay good reunion people, have a nice day!- She closes the notebook and looks at me- So you don't knock anymore?

-I am so sorry! I was just so excited.

-Don't be sorry, tell me, how did it go?

She gets up, getting in between my legs.

-She liked it! And she's going to contact me for her next one.

-That's great baby- Kisses me.

-She's also going to tell her assistant to give me her number.

-For what?- She raises her eyebrow, I smile.

-Relax, we talked about me writing so she told me if I needed some advice, or to talk about books.

-Hm, right, books.

-Is jealous Stefania in the room right now?- She rolls her eyes making me laugh- Well I wasn't the one being kissed by another woman last night.

Her face turned serious, and nervous, making me laugh again and kissing her.

-I'm kidding- I whisper.

-Don't do that to my little heart- She smiles- When will I read something you wrote?

-Never- I get out of the table and she grabs my waist.


-I think I turn my stories always to a personal perspective, it's like I'll be exposing myself to you.

-That's not a bad thing bambina, but okay, I'll respect that- Smiles kissing me before grabbing her jacket- I'm going out with Jaina for lunch before my reunion, do you want to join us?

-No it's okay, you go- Smiled opening the door.

-I love you.

-I love you too.

And as I thought my day was going so well, I get out of the bathroom, faced the mirror to fix my makeup when Alicia enters.

-Look who it is.


-You're so funny!- Approached.

-What do you want Alicia?

-Did Stefania told you we had a lot of fun yesterday?

-Fun, is it?- I giggle, washing my hands.

-In the end I knew she was just talking to me that way at the party because you were there, and when everyone was gone...It was just me and her.

-You and her.

-You have to understand that you're just one more for the count- Whispers and I couldn't contain myself, I slap her- You bitch!

-Listen to me very very carefully Alicia- I slowly approach until shes leaning on the wall- If you think I'm naive to a point where I believe you...You're more stupid than I thought. You got there, kissed her, and she pushed you away. Are you mad about that? Are you mad that I was the one by her side at the party even tho you tried to cause that whole drama? Or are you mad that after you kissed her she went home and fucked me, not you, me. Just like she does every night. I advise you to stay away from me, and my girlfriend, because I'm the reason you still have a job and I would make my relationship a favor if I told Stefania to fire you. Don't try to fuck with me, because you can be a bitch, but I can be worse and you absolutely don't wish for that to happen my love. Have a good day.

I got out of the bathroom and didn't think twice, got to my office to grab my bag and went straight home.

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