Chapter 9

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After a very long night of waking up every two hours, i looked at my phone and it was seven in the morning, decided to get up and go for a walk. Just got my phone and money to stop by starbucks later.

I went to the beach, since it was somehow a place i've never had the courage to run before, i even stopped to sit and watch the sea, there was not a lot of people, just a woman reading, and a couple. After sometime resting i got up and got to the coffee shop, this time i was craving for a hot latte.

-Hi- Someone whispered in my hear making me jump- Sorry- Laughed.


-Buongiorno bella.

-Morning- Smiled.

-Can i get you anything?

-Oh no problem, i'm waiting for my coffee.

-Cookie?- Handles me her plate and i giggle.

-Thank you.

-Di niente.

-What's that?

-Oh, it's like you're welcome- Smiled- Can i sit with you?

-I'm...Not in the mood for company, sorry.

-Okay...Are you sure?- We stayed in eye contact for a while, till i smile.

-Probably not.

-So uhm...

The conversation went for a big while, neither of us talked about last night, it was as if nothing had happened. We said goodbye to each other and soon i was opening the door from my house.

-Well hello you- Barrett said as i entered.


-Ah shit, what happened?

-I really don't wanna talk about that, what do you think i shower and we go out for lunch today?- I said taking off my airpods.


-No questions please, we talk on our way there.

-Go take that shower D.

I entered the shower and after thirty minutes i was choosing my clothes.

-I kissed her- I said after some time in silence in the car.

-You really did?

-Yes, and she said i was drunk and pushed me away. I know she wanted, but not like that and i get it.

-Was that before we got into the living room?

-Yeah, that's why i went to sleep.

-She came to your room, but said you were asleep. I know you weren't- Giggled.

-I wasn't, she wanted to talk and i know that.

-But you don't want to.

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